Power information Fluency

 Biomass energy 


  1. What is biomass energy? 
  1. What countries use it most? 
  1. Is it renewable energy? 
  1. Biomass pro’s and con’s 


What is biomass energy 

Biomass energy is energy generated or produced by living or once-living organisms” -National geographic. Some of the most common biomass materials are corn and soy. “Biomass is organic, meaning it is made of a material that comes from living organisms, such as plants and animals. The most common biomass materials used for energy are plants, wood, and waste.” – National geographic. 


What countries use biomass energy most? 

¾ quarters of the countries who claim to be heavy biomass users are in Africa89% of Kenya and Niger’s population uses biomass energy. 99% of the population in Ethiopia, and 95% in Mozambique.  


Is it renewable energy? 

Biomass is a renewable energy. Biomass is organic material that comes from animals and plants 

“Biomass contains stored energy from the sun. Plants absorb the sun’s energy in a process called photosynthesis. When biomass is burned, the chemical energy in biomass is released as heat.”- eia.gov  


Biomass Pro’s 

  • We can depend on fossil fuels less 
  • It doesn’t produce carbon 
  • Available worldwide 
  • Has multiple forms 
  • Will help reduce waste 



Biomass Con’s 

  • Might lead to Deforestation 
  • In-efficient 
  • Expensive 
  • Requires a lot of space 








One thought on “Power information Fluency”

  1. Thanks for your information fluency post. You have found some sub-questions to lead you to get a perspective on your topic. You have shared some pros and cons and have cited your sources. Do the cons of using biomass disqualify it as a good source of energy?

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