British Govern Quebec

As a British official, I realize there are many alternatives to governing Quebec. I have chosen the policy of Assimilation to ensure the colony is properly run. The reasons being that if we turn the French into British, the population of the British colony will multiply and become powerful. The people will also feel secure knowing that there is only one culture being practised and one language being spoken, in order for our country to continue prospering. As generations multiply, the French will adapt to our culture and more people will forget about their culture and language will also be forgotten and slowly dissipate as the generations continue throughout the years. Most of the people living in this colony had been born here ever since it was colonized by us. Therefore, they are unquestionably able to adapt to our lifestyle and culture. I believe that the other options are certainly not applicable because the French will have too many rights and could potentially betray us. And if you were to isolate them, their culture would still continue. As I have outlined above, I believe the best policy for governing Quebec is assimilation. This will ensure that the colony will remain under British control and provide wealth for our glorious country.

One comment

  1. cross · March 8, 2020 at 10:11 pm ·

    You’ve demonstrated Historical Perspective in this paragraph!