Tag Archives: WalterMitty

Walter Mitty – Theme and the Meaning of Life

Theme Statement                                                                                                                                                                 Not leaving a mark in the world and unaccomplished dreams may lead to regret.

According to this story, what is the meaning of life?                                                                                                   The meaning of life is to achieve greatness within your life time. You are expected to be the best that you can; have a great job and bring in lots of income. The meaning of life is that you are expected to complete your dreams and leave your mark in the world. Walter Mitty’s life is perceived (by me) very bland and unexciting. While he goes through his everyday life he keeps wishing for the people and things that he never was and achieved. He dreams of greatness and leaving a mark in the world, which he did not attain. Instead he was full of regret and an unaccomplished life.