Monthly Archives: November 2014

Bag of Change

1. Chemical A was a white powdery substance, that looked like flour. Chemical B were white little balls that resembled as white nerds. And Chemical C was a blue liquid substance that looked like it was blue Koolaid.

2.Once all chemicals can touch each other he bag started to get big and blow up with air (gas), basically the liquid chemicals amd solid chemicals formed to make a gas. It then started to get very hot and turn into a foamy liquid form, that would get hotter the more you messaged it together. At this point in the experiment you can no longer see the white balls, and the white powder even the blue liquid all you can see is yellow/white foam that is very hot and that continues to let out gas the more you move it together.

3.Physical properties: white powder, white small balls, blue liquid and yellow foam.                                     Chemical properties: The solids and liquids combined to form a gas.
