Mutation story

Part 1: mutation story Cri du chat, also known as 5p- syndrome is a mutation when chromosome 5 is missing. When children have this syndrome their voice is often so high pitched that it sounds like a cat. Some other side effects are delayed development,…

Sammy sperm story

Hi, my name is Sammy and I’d like to tell you the story of my life. I was born February 7th in the testis hospital. I stayed in the hospital for only a couple days, and then I continued my journey to the town of…

DNA bracelet

The genetic code is a set of 3 letters. The letters represent the words adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C). The set of 3 letters is also known as a DNA triplet. When making a copy of one gene, you make a…

Edible DNA

During this activity we learned what DNA is. It is the abbreviation of deoxyribonucleic acid. All living things have DNA present in there system. DNA looks like a twisted ladder. The ladder is known as a double helix. The two sides are called thebackbones and…

Power story

BC hydro generates power by moving or falling water that produces mechanical/electrical energy. The power that is generated from the water is distributed using 73,000 kilometres of interconnected transmission and distribution lines. There are eight consecutive steps to how this power is exactly generated. The…

Expanding Universe

During this experiment we had to draw dots onto a balloon. The dots that we drew represent all of the galaxies, and the balloon represents the universe. When we blew air into the balloon it represented the expansion of the universe. All of the dots…

science app review

Little Alchemy How does this app help with chemistry?  This app can help you with chemistry because it shows what mixing two elements can make. You create other elements by combining two different materials, as example, combining fruit and monkey creates banana. Some elements cannot…

Interest in science

How is my interest associated with science? I am very interested and focused on playing volleyball. It is my true passion. I absolutely love the game. I love it because it is very intense and works your body as well as your brain. Not only…