Stem cells

Stem cells

For the past 30 years scientists have been researching the biology of stem cells. This research has lead to the discovery of using stem cells to regenerate or repair damaged tissue. This discovery has very much potential but it is quite controversial. There are three different types of stem cells, the cord blood stem cells, adult stem cells and most importantly the embryonic stem cells. Each one has a different purpose.

Cord blood is relatively easy to collect and has a very low risk of harming the mother or child. The blood contains haematopoietic stem cells, these cells are normally found in bone marrow. These stem cells can create every type of cell in the blood (red cells, white cells, platelets). These cells are responsible for maintaining blood reproduction and have been used for many years in bone marrow transplants. Cord blood collecting doesn’t have many risks because it is harvested from the cord which will be removed from the child anyways.

Adult stem cells are like a built in repair kit. They regenerate cells damaged by disease, injury and everyday wear and tear. Bone marrow contains a type of adult stem cell known as a stromal or mesenchymal stem cell. These cells become bone, cartilage, fat and connectives tissues found in bone. Adult stem cells have been found in many other places, but regardless of the source they are multipotent- they can develop into a limited number of cell types.

Embryonic cells are the most important of all three because they are capable of replacing tissues and curing diseases. During the early stages of embryonic cell development the cell is still undifferentiated, and appears to be able to become any tissue within the body. For example, a cell taken from one part of the embryo that could have become the ears, can be moved into another area so it becomes the heart. Embryonic stem cells are the most controversial because some people believe that even if the embryo is three to five days old, it is still considered a child and doing experiments on it would be murder. They also are scared that if scientists are using their eggs they could clone them. There are no risks collection embryonic stem cells because they are fertilized then taken into a lab.

I am strongly for these experiments. The amount of potential this research has should overcome people’s unwillingness to agree. These cells have a very bright future ahead of them. They have the potential of treating diseases such as Parkinson’s, stroke, heart disease and diabetes and becoming a renewable source of replacement cells.