Hip-Hop Ghazal

Title of Poem: Hip-Hop Ghazal

Type of Poem: Lyric, ode, ghazal

Author: Patricia Smith
Literal Meaning
After you read the poem, what does the literal meaning seem to be? What is happening in the poem?
Having hips is something to be proud of.

Pick out three uses of imagery and write them below (this will most likely be a phrase or line from the poem), then explain what the poet is trying to convey with this image. (include line citations)

1]. IMAGE: Gotta love us girls, just struttin’ down Manhattan streets (line 9)

MEANING: Girls being proud of their hips walking down the manhattan streets. Being confident.

2]. IMAGE: As the jukebox teases, watch my sistas throat the heartbreak (line 3)

MEANING: When the music is playing, the girls dance so well it causes heartbreak.

3]. IMAGE: killing the menfolk with a dose of that stinging view. Hips. (Line 10)

MEANING: The men on the streets are very attracted to the sight of a woman’s hips. Especially when she is confident.

Lyric Qualities
Describe the sound of this poem. You will use terms like: internal rhyme, rhyme scheme, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and repetition. Find two specific lines or elements of the poem to discuss. List them and then tell what you think they mean.
(include line citations)

1]. Lyric Device: like something boneless, we glide silent, seeping ‘tween floorboards (line 5) (alliteration)

Meaning: when they dance their bodies look boneless, and silent. Dancing really well

2]. Lyric Device: wrapping  around  the hims, and ooh wee (line 6) (onomatopoeia)
Meaning: wrapping themselves around the men, and the people around them are saying “ooh wee”

Figurative Meaning
Find at least two figurative devices and explain what they mean. You are looking for terms like: simile, metaphor, allusion, symbolism and personification.
(include line citations)

1]. Figurative Device: clinging like glue hips. (Simile) (line 6)
Meaning: The man and the woman’s hips are so tight together it feels like they are glued.

2]. Figurative Device: Engines grinding, rotating, smokin’, gotta pull back some (Engine symbol for hips) (Line 7)
Meaning: Their hips are dancing so well they have to tone it down.

3. Figurative Device: As the jukebox teases (personification) (line 3)
Meaning: The jukebox plays dancing music

What do you think is the message of this poem?
Women have been shamed for their bodies in the past, this poem showcases the positives to your body and how to be confident in your skin. Specifically, your hips.