Narrative essay

The Hoodie Thief

I was already having a rough morning, waking up 45 minutes late turning my routine into a rush. It definitely wasn’t a great way to start off the day and to add to the frustration, I forgot my jacket on the way out. It was so crisp outside I could see my breath. I arrived at school pissed, tired and freezing my butt off! As I walked through the door my attention was brought to a table that had been placed in the front foyer. There was a light beaming down on it as if it was a sign from heaven. I swear I could hear voices whispering “go take a peek”, but I was probably just sleep deprived. I tried to look away, but it felt like I was being lassoed in. The heel of my boots were no match for the strong rope pulling me closer and closer. Eventually, I gave in, approaching the table that read “Lost and Found”. It took me no longer then 10 seconds to realize I had discovered a gold mine. My eyes lit up, my heart beat faster and I could feel my goosebumps slowly disappearing. I began to search through the pile, at first it felt like I was looking for a needle in a haystack, but then, there it was. I knew from the second I saw it, I was in love. A heather grey volleyball hoodie that was my perfect size. The way it sat there, so peaceful and majestic like a fair maiden waiting to be rescued. Peeping left and right, I made sure nobody was looking and I shoved it into my bag as fast as I could. After realizing what I had just done my stomach began to grumble. In that moment the guilt was taking over my body, but I convinced myself that leaving such an astonishing piece of clothing on that table would be a disgrace. I wore the hoodie almost everyday, It played a major role in my wardrobe. I wore it to school on repeated occasions totally forgetting that it had once belonged to someone at the school.

Once again, I was having a rushed morning. Actually now that I think about it, the majority of my mornings are rushed, but anyways I picked up whatever I saw first and put it on. It happened to be the hoodie. Around lunch time one of my friends called me asking me to come down to the foyer because someone wanted to talk to me. Stupidly, without realizing what I was wearing, I went down cheerfully hoping I had won a prize. As I got down the stairs some random girl came up to me and gently spoke the dreadful words: “I think you are wearing my hoodie”. Those words came out of her mouth like a gunshot hitting me directly in the heart. I couldn’t believe what was happening, I had to think fast and make up a story because there was no way I was giving up this hoodie without a fight.
I blurted out, “ Actually it’s not because I play volleyball and I got it at Nationals a couple years ago”. What was she going to do, ask for a receipt? I felt very confident in what I was saying, how could she respond, there’s nothing she could do to prove me wrong. Except read what was written on the hoodie: “Volleyball Provincials 2014”. Of course I didn’t realize at the time what was written on it, until she pointed it out. I was flushed with embarrassment, my face became red as an erupting volcano. She won this battle fair and square and it was time for me to surrender the prized possession to its rightful owner. It was a sad day in the life of Lauren Trudeau, a very sad day. After a couple days had gone by I remembered the feeling of embarrassment that I had taken ownership over something that wasn’t mine. The increase of blood flowing in my body knowing I lied right to someone’s face was horrific. Perhaps this would have never had happened if I just didn’t flaunt something that wasn’t even mine.




Postives: For the most part, my spelling and grammar was good. I also think that this writing had my voice and expressed my emotions. It was also a little bit funny.

Negatives: Next time I will try to add more detail and adjectives. Also more imagery would make it interesting. Putting a better title would improve it too.