

I need a moment
So I can listen to the stars
Mourning in their stories
Their arduous twinkling,

so far and sparse.


History has a tendency

to remember victory


Victory forgets the lost.

Society always neglects to mention

The extent of the cost.


I know they love playing God

While their hearts and eyes silently weep

As if there’s nothing left to keep.

Yet they hide behind

a grand façade.


You want to protect the world

But you don’t want it to change

You’re all just mechanical Hounds

Still tangled up in strings


O, how disappointing.


And now, it is time

for me to go.


I am in need

Of a future

I’ve been aching to know

I need a minute
so I can stumble and swoon with
My hands reaching for
The faraway moon.

Give me a while,
to be at peace.
Are you able to hear the planets,
As they cry their sorrowful speech?

I want some time
To find my rightful place
Within my uncharted, unexplored galaxy
together with evolving space…


The fierce urgency of Now

A solemn reminder of the boughs

That creep into

the tempting promise of tomorrow,

Along with the silent shadow of Sorrow

With the soothing vagueness of Someday


This *snaps* This, is when–

When I plan

To blow you all away.

L.E. Jadot

© May 12, 2019 Lauren Jadot ®™


Explanation/ meaning corner:
  • Based off of a certain franchise that I love 3000... 
  • Specifically, the philosophy/ ideas of Frigga (humanitarian) and Thanos (utilitarian)

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