Science- Blog post 1

My Wonder Question 

How will gene manipulation change our future of medicine and sports? 

 How my wonder question is meaningful to me 

Gene manipulation can be life changing for our future. It has the potential to change how we live and everything we do. Its meaningful to me because I play sports and if gene manipulation can make us faster and stronger that would change a lot of things regarding the world of sports such as what genes we can modify and what we can’t and how will everyone be equal if some people are genetically modified.  

How my wonder question is meaningful to others 

This question is relevant to everyone because it can make our future generations Stronger, faster, smarter, healthier, and pretty much change life in general. It’s meaningful to others because lots of people play sports and as I mentioned earlier a lot of things would change in the world of sports. Also, there are so many diseases in the world and if gene modification can help prevent those or get rid of those entirely that would mean a healthier future. For example, potentially gene modification can prevent certain types of cancer in future generations who are at high risk for it and that’s a huge thing. 


Sub Questions 

  1. What is gene manipulation   What laws would be put in place if we were to use it for sports
  2.  Where has it been used already   
  3. Can we do it on people who are already living or just unborn children
  4.  What exactly can we manipulate? 
  5.  Can we change how fast someone reacts to something?
  6.  What genes would we modify exactly? Would we add or remove genes too?
  7.  What ethics are behind changing someone’s natural genes? 



Creative Commons image 


By PublicDomainPictures  

Posted in 2013 

The sources I have used so far 

I personally like taking notes on paper because it’s easier for me to remember what I have. so, I took key words from the following sites then searched up on other sites to verify the information then when I wrote phrases in my notes, I wrote it in my own words. Now when I go to answer my question, I have all this information that I’ll write in my own words.


1.Human Genetic Modification, Center for Genetics And Society (January 2019) 

This site gave me information on what exactly is gene modification. It is a valid source because I look at who runs the website and the organizations and everyone involved has a PhD, or MA, therefore they are experts in this field of study.  

The information I got from this site helped me answer the question What is gene modification?  Told me the 2 types of modification and what they are in clear details, how it’s done 



2.Scientists make first ever attempt at gene editing inside the body, The Guardian , (November 2017) 

Gave me information on one of the times gene modification was used on a human. It’s valid because The Guardian is a well-known newspaper and they were there for the operation and talked to the patient and doctors. 


  1. Genome Editing, National Human Genome Research Institute (August 2017) 

Gave me information on how it works and the ethical concern. It is valid because they have sited their proper sources and I read about the director of the organization and the site and he is and expert in his field with a PhD and M.D. 



Next Step 

My next step is to answer the rest of my sub questions. Then take what I know from the answers I got from those and come up with a theory / answer for my big question. I’ll also try and get in contact with someone who is an expert in gene modification and ask them some questions about gene modification and how it will change our future. 



ADL Reflection  

What questions did you research in order to research your topic? 

1.What is gene manipulation 2. What laws would be put in place if we were to use it for sports?  

3.Where has it been used already 4. Can we do it on people who are already living or just unborn children 5. What exactly can we manipulate? Can we change how fast someone reacts to something? 

  1. What disease can we cure with gene modification?  7. What are the ethics with gene modification?


What new or old digital tools did you use as you worked through this project?  

I used to google to search up my sub questions then looked through many sites and picked the most valid ones and used those. I also used creative commons image. I looked through the library database but I didn’t find exactly what I was looking for.  


What was the process you used to investigate this topic? 

First, I came up with my big question. Then I came up with several sub-questions. Im in the process of researching those and getting the information and answers for those sub questions. Then I’m going to take everything I know and come up with my own theory / answer for my question.  


How did you verify and cite the information you found? 

For each site I searched up the author or organization and made sure they were valid. For example, I’d look at the directors of the site and see who they were and made sure they were experts in their field. To cite my information, I said the name of the article then the author or organization then the date it was posted and the website I found it on 

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?  

At first it was a bit difficult to know where to start, but Mrs. Jackson was a huge help with helping me figure out where to start with key words she gave me. After I knew what I needed to find to answer my big question everything started flowing pretty easy. Maybe what I could have done better was use the research template that was provided but personally I didn’t like using it because it just wasn’t my way of taking notes. 


One thought on “Science- Blog post 1

  1. I really like how you have found a question that is meaningful to you: How will gene manipulation change our future of medicine and sports? You have some great sub-questions to lead you to address your main question. One thought: what kind of questions about sports do you need to research to help you address your question? I am eager to hear what you find out!

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