- The first article about fake Facebook accounts taught me that the public will believe and form their opinion around seemingly anyone, even if they’re fake, if they have a large following. Whoever was behind the “James Galan” account managed to spread messages under a fake identity and gain a large number of followers. Seeing this from at outside perspective, I understand why it is important to do research before jumping on board with any community. People can do insane things with the internet, but a quick Google search can often expose that.
- The second article talks about fake “missing person” posts on social media. All in all, this is very disrespectful to people whose relatives areĀ actually missing, as their posts might also be labeled as fake and assumed they’re like the others. Nevertheless, I predict that people create these fake posts for attention. If they can’t get popular online any other way, they guilt-trip the public into sharing and liking their posts. Once again, this shows that we must always double-check what we read on the internet. If the missing person hasn’t been reported to the police, why would they be on Facebook except for the attention?