Science 10 Honours Accessibility Design Challenge

Group members: Alexa, Kian, Martin, Julian
Idea: Physical Landmarks
My role in the project…

My role in the project was taking Julian and Alexa’s idea for the landmark project into reality with applications to design it with like Blender. Afterwards, we imported the design on the SD card and put it in the 3D printer

My responsibilities included…
  1. Creating the design in an application for it to be capable to be sliced and used in the 3D Printer
  2. Monitor the 3D Printer
  3. Make sure the part is up to par with high quality
  4. The design has no parts where it can fail during the print
  5. Making the design human friendly
I am proud of these contributions that I made…

I am proud of the contributions I made to the group because I think I made an enormous impact on the creation and design of the physical landmarks. I was heavily involved with how to design the part for it to be capable with the 3D printer and to also make sure there are no errors with the file for the printer.

I will improve my collaboration skills by…

I’ll try harder in the future to strengthen my cooperation abilities by being more constructive while working with partners and other group members and paying equal attention to their ideas and mine.

This is what I learned about the ‘Design Sprint’ and the design process…

I gained a lot of knowledge about the coding and digital abilities necessary for the design process. I really had no idea how to use a computer to visually create a 3D thing before I started the job. The way one of my group members first conceptualised the item we had all discussed together was intriguing, and it was extremely wonderful to watch the 3D printers really reproduce and print our idea.

This is what I learned while working with the SME (the student)…

I learned more about some of Molly’s troubles and challenges at school through working with her and listening to her and the other people who joined the session. I gained more knowledge about her and the struggles she faces every day. I knew more about her everyday life and how hard it is for her to simply make it through a day at school. I discovered how I might assist her around the school by greeting her every time I saw her and performing other deeds of kindness. My group and I brainstormed came up with more ideas, and chose which ideas would work over others after fully hearing what Molly had to say.

This is what I like about this process…

I enjoyed the part of the process where we got to discuss ideas as a group at the beginning. To improve our proposal and make it better, we had about a week to discuss it with one another and listen to Molly. I appreciate the sheet and how it is written up, and it helped us to think more imaginatively about the project. Our group was able to generate additional ideas as a result of the questions on the worksheet, and drawing some of the concepts out on the second page really helped us picture how our idea might appear.

This is what I will remember about this project in the future…

Many details of this endeavour will stick with me in the future. I will keep in mind all the challenges and problems that come with being blind at a school and how to support those who face such challenges. I gained knowledge of the procedure for developing a 3D item utilising similar technologies to 3D printing. I gained knowledge on how to effectively explain and convey my views to my students. I learnt how much effort and thorough preparation goes into initiatives like these and how there is no one perfect solution, but a myriad of them.


What Will Happen When Two Black Holes Collide and How Will It Affect Earth?

What Will Happen When Two Black Holes Collide?

Most of the large galaxies in the Universe contain supermassive black holes with masses ranging from millions to billions of suns. We don’t know how these massive, dense objects formed, or what causes a small proportion of them to begin eating surrounding matter at dizzying rates, radiating widely across the electromagnetic spectrum and transforming their host galaxies into active galactic nuclei. When two supermassive black holes collide in a galaxy merger, gravitational wave disturbances in the fabric of spacetime are expected to be created. Unlike their stellar-mass counterparts, models say these mergers should produce both gravity waves and radiation, the latter coming from the hot interstellar gas of the merged galaxies disrupted by the pair of black holes as they descend, towards each other. The simulations reveal that the X-ray signature will most likely have the same frequency as the gravitational wave signal because the two spiralling black holes change the speed of the surrounding plasma.

How Will it Affect Earth?

Walking generates gravitational waves, which compress and expand the space around you. These waves, on the other hand, are fairly modest. Only the most extreme occurrences in the Universe are capable of producing observable waves. Consider a stellar nebula where two binary stars form. But, unlike the Sun, each of them is a monster with hundreds of times the mass and energy output. The two stars will orbit each other for millions of years before one of them explodes as a supernova. A massive star will now orbit a black hole. The second star then explodes, leaving two black holes orbiting each other. Gravitational waves are emitted when black holes collide, forcing their orbits to degenerate. This is quite confusing. Blackhole momentum is turned into gravitational waves. As their angular momentum declines, they spiral inward until they crash. Because nothing can escape a black hole, what should have been one of the most violent explosions in recorded history is completely dark and silent. There was no radiation, no light, no particles, no screams, and nothing else. When two black holes collide, the resulting black hole is substantially bigger. Gravitational waves spread out from this momentous collision like ripples in water, and they may be detected nearly a billion light-years distant. This is precisely what happened with the unveiling of LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) earlier last year. This sensitive gadget detected gravitational waves when two black holes with 30 solar masses collided roughly 1.3 billion light-years away.


  1. Vergos, Nikolaos. “Black Hole Collisions.”The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by Katherine H. Nemeh and Jacqueline L. Longe, 6th ed., vol. 1, Gale, 2021, pp. 646-648.

    Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 13 May 2022.


    From <>

  2. Cain, Fraser. “What Happens When Black Holes Collide?”,, 5 Oct. 2016,


  3. Maryna. “What If Two Black Holes Collided?” What If Show, 13 Jan. 2021,


  4. Smith, Yvette. “Black Hole Collision May Have Exploded with Light.” NASA, NASA, 22 Nov. 2021,


  5. “Two Merging Supermassive Black Holes.” ESA,


  6. “What Happens When Two Supermassive Black Holes Merge?” ESA,

Biotechnology Group Project – Whole Genome Sequencing

Over time many ideas, inquiries, and advancements have been made regarding all types of biotechnology. Whole-genome sequencing is an example of biotech that has created another positive impact on science. Whole-genome sequencing, otherwise known as WGS, is an important process, that continues to affect modern medicine. WGS is a technology that allows scientists to identify the order of bases that make up a genome which determines the genetic makeup of an organism’s originality. Genomes are the complete set of genetic instructions for an organism, therefore the key to unlocking many intricacies of an individual are not yet visible without this process. The process of WGS is quite simple. First, you begin by preparing DNA to be readable by a sequencing machine. Scientists often use different methods of preparation depending on how they have received the sample. Scientists then run the DNA through the machine to reveal a sequence of bases that represents the added DNA. This new sequence is then run against a standardized genome sequence to determine variants within the specific genome. This helps decipher the patterns and individuality of the sample which is an important part of genome sequencing and is crucial for this system to create an impact. Scientists then use the information gathered from the analysis to create a full sequence of bases that match the sample. The result of this system is a complete sequence that fully represents the entirety of genetic instructions in the genome. This information is now applicable for doctors and scientists to interpret many specifics regarding genetic makeup. Although this is a very simple process in the days of modern science, whole-genome sequencing has created many impacts. From identifying disease carriers, differentiating organisms, and a variety of other outcomes. WGS has greatly influenced today’s scientific community, and it is due to these advancements that many scientific quandaries will continue to step toward solutions.

There are two main factors that best represent the most monumental advancements in WGS. First, many advancements have been made in the medical aspect of whole-genome sequencing. The connection that WGS has to the medical field is strong. Most of the implications that have been made by WGS have been impactful to medicine. Specifically, regarding diseases. Scientists have been using WGS to fully understand the entirety of the human genome. By seeing a person or an organisms’ entire genetic makeup scientists and doctors have collaborated to use this information to determine specific genes within the organism. For example, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia are both disorders that can be recognized more effectively with the process of WGS. As it is a way to easily determine a variety of genetic disorders consecutively. This is important as many of the disorders that are revealed by a genome can greatly increase before they are found. It is the time that is spared allowing carriers of these compromised genes to take proactive steps to benefit their health. Although genome sequencing is extremely helpful in finding diseases, advancements have also been made regarding the uses of the information. For example, the advancements in the next generation of WGS are being used to create personalized treatments for common genetic conditions. Currently, a variety of cancers are being introduced to these studies including colorectal cancer and melanoma. As well as using your genetic makeup to determine which medicines would most effectively impact a patient’s condition based on the sequence of bases and proteins. Originally, scientists goal of WGS was to determine the entire set of genetic instructions in humans and organisms, so the large advancement made is now applying the data to create positive change for people. Secondly, the main general advancement that has been made in WGS is regarding the system itself. New technology has allowed genome sequencing to take a step further. One of the most important switches genome sequencings is beginning to make is a transition in the data itself. Originally, sequencing machines would find small chunks of data and use computer programing to piece all the information together. Now, WGS has advanced enough allowing the technology involved to allow closer to a full picture instead of constructing patterns together. This allows scientists to find more information in the difficult access points of WGS. Due to this advancement, the holes in the analysis of a human or organism’s genome are starting to eradicate as the technology gets more advanced. Overall, this advancement has fueled other impacts as it is this new sector of data that is now creating more changes on the original advancement regarding the medical world. All the progression WGS has made is due to this advancement in the technology itself. In total, genome sequencing has also made many small advancements in different areas of research. However, it is this advancement to the medical system and the whole genome sequencing system itself that has been the most impactful in creating more opportunities and growth in the scientific climate today.

There are two methods that demonstrate how WGS or whole-genome sequencing is best applied. One of the foremost methods that whole-genome sequencing is used is predicting foodborne disease detection among the population. In 2013, CDC began using whole-genome sequencing as a new and more effective method to detect outbreaks caused by deadly bacteria. They found that using WGS they were able to detect more clusters of Listeria illnesses, solve more Listeria outbreaks while they are still small, link ill patients to likely food sources and identify new food sources of Listeria. There are multiple reasons for this. WGS can determine if illnesses had come from the same source such as a contaminated food processing facility. Using WGS, some outbreaks can be caught when as few as two people are ill. With the process of whole-genome sequencing, the detection can be done in one single procedure, increasing the rate of identifying outbreaks. WGS also provides more than one million of the bases that make up the genome, supplying a broad range of data to sort through compared to other methods that do not give such a big amount. Having such a large range of data and material to work with gives a great chance of accuracy, which is highly beneficial when dealing with bacteria and outbreaks. This leads to the second way WGS is best used. WGS has been a great discovery in the realm of forensic science. Forensic scientists work with small fragments of DNA making their work very difficult, however, with the use of WGS they can see a larger portion making their work a lot easier and more accurate. This type of genome sequencing is called genome amplification and is performed in many ways. Some of which include primer extension pre-amplification, degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction and multiple displacement amplification.  These methods are all very similar as they aim to repair the genome for inspection. WGS has been used to provide critical information from old and damaged pieces of DNA to scientists, helping solve certain forensic cases. There are many other impactful uses for WGS that are slowly developing and will hopefully appear soon in the scientific world.

Our understanding of the human genome and its role in health and disease has evolved tremendously in recent years. A decade ago, researchers were warily exploring the first reference human genome sequences, which cost more than $1 billion to build. Thousands of genomes, covering a wide diversity of ethnic origins, have already been sequenced. This rush in activity has been spurred by amazing advances in sequencing technology, which can now read a person’s whole genome (more than 6000 million bases) in days for less than $1,000, with costs expected to fall even further in the coming years. To make sense of genetic data, computational tools and databases must progress in unison with sequencing technology. Both technologies are advancing, allowing for more precise identification of existing ailments as well as the development of effective and targeted treatment methods. They also allow for the measurement of sickness predisposition, which may lead to more focused clinical monitoring and lifestyle changes. Even though our understanding of the human genome is far from complete, a rising body of data suggests that even our basic genetic knowledge may be valuable in the clinic. Genome sequencing is presently having the greatest impact on cancer categorization, diagnosing hereditary sickness, and predicting a patient’s likely response to treatment. Genomic medicine will revolutionize health care and the economy, particularly in a population with higher life spans. Individual economic advantages arise from genomically informed health restoration and, as a result, greater earning capacity. More accuracy in risk assessment decreases healthcare expenses for both people and the healthcare system by reducing inappropriate responses and treatments. By condensing genetic testing into a single study and educating patients throughout their lifetimes, genomic medicine has the potential to make genetic illness detection more efficient and cost-effective. Individual reactions to genetic information will vary, but customized risk identification may lead to more effective monitoring and prevention. The application of genetic information to technological advancements, medical research, and health care will have a substantial impact on the national economy, not only by cutting productivity losses and disease treatment costs, but also by spawning new medical information businesses.

Although whole-genome sequencing is still developing, it has already taken on many different industries. The possibilities of WGS are endless in all trades as it has already made its mark on many, for instance, forensics and medicine. There is a great future ahead for WGS and many opportunities to use this technology to benefit our society.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from 
P, Dr. Surat. “Whole Genome Amplification in Forensics.”, 1 Feb. 2021, 
“Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS).” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 11 Feb. 2016, 
Leitch, Carmen. “Advances in Genome Sequencing Technology: Genetics and Genomics.” Labroots, Labroots, 6 May 2020, 
Mattick, John S, et al. “The Impact of Genomics on the Future of Medicine and Health.” The Medical Journal of Australia, 7 July 2014, 
Advantages of Whole Genome Sequencing: Your Guide to WGS. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2022, from 
Genomics, Health Science, proteomics. Genome BC. (2021, September 16). Retrieved April 7, 2022, from 

Ellis, J. (2017, November 9). WGS makes its way to forefront. Biocompare. Retrieved April 7, 2022, from 

Cheek Cell Lab

Cheek Cell Lab

Cheek Cell DNA
Cheek Cells (stained)
Cheek Cells (membrane distribution)
Cheek Cell DNA:

The simplicity and quality of the outcomes in my first hands-on biology lab fascinated me. I find it fascinating to compare what we learn from internet graphics to how it appears to the naked eye. I first observed it when twisting the DNA around the stir stick, and it piqued my interest. However, because the DNA is delicate, it was difficult to transfer it into the test tube without breaking it because I swirled it too high up. The majority of my DNA appears to have remained on the stir stick. I was nevertheless really pleased with my performance. I was nevertheless really pleased with my performance. If I did this lab again, I would definitely transfer DNA towards the bottom of the stick rather than the centre. I’m not sure if this method is the most efficient for breaking apart cell membranes because we don’t have much of a visual advantage, thus we wouldn’t be able to see the membranes or each individual cell. However, I believe it was much simpler to avoid destroying the DNA in this lab since it had a bigger surface area.

Cheek Cells (stained):

This lab was particularly fascinating because it was my first experience with a microscope. It enabled me to develop a better awareness of what happens in my body. Being able to observe what goes into making even the tiniest component of my body, as well as how much energy is expended in doing so, has opened my eyes to the infinite activities of infinite species. I’m simply curious about what happens within the cells and so forth. The initial microscope we used in this lab did not operate, so I was taken aback when I saw the final results. The ability to observe each cell piqued my interest and piqued my enthusiasm for this scientific discipline. Even something as easy as scratching the inside of my lips produces such disparate yet comparable responses. By this, I mean that while the cells appear to be identical from afar, the arrangement and a closer look reveal that each individual is unique. Because it was easier to observe the findings and cells in this lab, I believe it was helpful in obtaining DNA. We did not, however, do anything to tear the membranes apart.

Cheek Cells (membrane distribution):

Taking what we’d done before and making it virtually shapeshift was a lot of fun in this lab. To break the membranes, we used a dish soap and water solution as shown above. I was quite interested to see how it would turn out, and the results did not disappoint. The membranes became disfigured, and some of them fused together. I detected a slight textural shift and am intrigued by it since the groups appear flaky. The membrane is virtually running away from the nucleus, as I can see. It’s amazing how rapidly things can change from one photograph to the next. Because we can tear away the membrane, I believe our facility is the most effective at extracting DNA.


We may have all observed the rapid change in the property market in Vancouver over the last two decades, as house prices have risen at an exponential rate. This not only increased the cost of housing for individuals, but it also increased the cost of life and attracted a slew of avaricious investors. This is a major issue right now, as many individuals are unable to own homes yet must pay rent. My partner Kian and I produced an appropriately scaled 3D model that represents the price of the property in a 20 x 20 stack of 100 dollar notes, as well as the average wage in 15 x 15 100 dollar stacks, graphically demonstrating the high cost of living in Vancouver.

Using data from trusted websites and the City Of Vancouver,

Kian and I were able to find the changes in house prices and salary over the decades, and convert the data into a 3d depiction.

Our found data is included below(with inflation rate considered),

Year                                   Average House Price                                Average Salary

1980                                       $290,680                                                 $50,190

1990                                       $587,454                                                  $60,030

2000                                      $609,120                                                 $61,003

2010                                      $1,169,471                                                $65,032

2020                                     $2,370,000                                              $68,200


We believe that by sharing this information, we will raise awareness about this issue, which may be the root of other difficulties such as homelessness and poverty. We may stress the cost of living in Vancouver by using a 3D module and comparing it to the average pay. This is a difficult problem to tackle, but with community dedication and government action, we can make life simpler for Canadians.

Scientific Method & Paper Airplanes Science 10 Honours

Question: I would like to investigate the distance the paper aeroplane flies?

Hypothesis: If we change the weight distribution of the paper aeroplane then the plane will fly at different distances because it has different weight distribution while flying through the air.

Dependent Variable: The Distance the paper aeroplane flies.

Independent Variable: The place the paper clip is placed on the plane.

Contolled Variable:  Conditions, size of the paper, power of the throw, type of paper aeroplane.

Materials: 8X11 paper, 2 paper clips(same size)


  1. Throw 3 different weight distributions of paper aeroplanes 5 times each.
  2. Measure distance in meters of aeroplane flight and record on paper.
  3. Draw a bar graph to compare visually


Paper aeroplane no paper clips: Average Distance (9.82 m)

Paper aeroplane two paper clips on the front: Average Distance (9.1m)

Paper aeroplane two paper clips on the back: Average Distance(5.65m)


In the end, our theory was found to be false. My partner and I learned that adding extra weight to the plane can help, but the appropriate amount is required. According to the statistics presented above, the appropriate amount of weight must be added to enhance the speed/distance. Our first and third planes (lightest and heaviest, respectively) both failed to support our theory.

By throwing more regularly, this experiment can be improved. The bulk of our throws were inconsistent due to a lack of power and precision. As a consequence, some of the values were higher/lower than the majority, causing our data to be skewed. Another issue that may be rectified is the position of the paper clips (weight). Our clips were placed towards the plane’s front tip, which might cause instability. Other issues that can be resolved include calculating human errors and positioning aircraft during launch.

I’ve learnt a lot over this endeavour, especially about paper aeroplanes. I had no idea flying paper planes could be so challenging. My interest in aerodynamics was aroused by this experiment.

Desmos Art Functions Card 2021

To do this assignment, I had to apply creative thinking since I had to figure out how to use all of the different functionalities. I had to employ seven distinct functions, and I had to be creative in order to figure out where I could apply all seven different functions. I also employed creative thinking while deciding how to sketch the image I was utilising. When I was having trouble with Desmos, I utilised critical thinking to solve the problem. Overall, I’m pleased with my effort, however, I believe I could have added a bit more depth to my hand and ears.