Blackout Poem – “Annabel Lee”

  The poem named “Annabel Lee” written by Edgar Allan Poe is elegy, which gives a sad story to the audiences. Poe often wrote about the death because he lost a lot of women in his life, including his wife. The readers can guess that this poem was…

Fahrenheit 451 – Radio

  Propaganda, Equalism, the government controls everything, suppressions, Anti-intellectual society could represents the examples from Fahrenheit 451 and I brought the example facts from 12 Books That Have (Ironically) Been Banned in the U.S., Comintern, political correctness, Maoism, and How once-mighty Venezuelan economy collapsed.   Works Cited   Cellania,…

Literature Photo Project 

(exposition) “Don’t I get some kind of document promising that I will come back alive?” “We promise nothing,”, “except the dinosaurs.”(1) / “Makes you think. If the election had gone badly yesterday, I might be here now running away from the results. Thank God Keith won….

Walter Mitty Daydream Six

A continuation of the story in similar format, with both examples of expressionism and realism can be seen below being a veteran detective and his common life with his wife. In the real life, he tries to escape from his real life by daydreaming. In…

The Butterfly Effect in “The Sound of Thunder”

There are some characters’ decisions made the butterfly effect so that the future changed in the story. In the story, Ekcels walked on the path and killed the butterfly so that small effect get spread out and become more bigger bigger bigger effect so that…

3 egg recipes

Rolled Egg (Tamago Yaki) Beat the 3 eggs and let them go. Sieve it out. Chopped green onions, sugar, and cooking skills Mix well with egg water.  On a frying pan Wipe it off with a tissue. Turn it into a low heat and add…