Human Condition Paragraph – The House That Built Me

In the song, “The House That Built Me” written by Miranda Lambert, we follow the journey of a girl going back to childhood home to try and find herself again. She describes all the memories that she had in the house, like how her old dog is buried under the oak tree in the backyard. She explains the impact that the world and society has had on her, and even though she tried her best, she lost herself in the madness. The chorus of the song illustrates how she feels that she is broken, and this house is symbolic of all the parts of herself she loves and misses now that she feels like someone else. Humans feel a need to connect to not only other humans, but to physical objects as well as a way to grasp on to feelings, emotions or people that are no longer around. Humans can sometimes feel emotionally and physically lost, resulting in sadness and often the need to ground themselves again with something either material or abstract. A connection to home can often help create a sense of belonging. 

“ If I could just come in, I swear I’ll leave,
Won’t take nothing but a memory
Of the house that
Built me”



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