January 2017

Math 9 Midterm Review: Dividing and Simplifying Polynomial Expressions

Our task was to pick an area that we had trouble with in math this term and choose two questions that we did incorrectly. Then, we would take the two incorrect questions and find where we went wrong and then correct them ourselves. We then had to find a YouTube clip that helped us with these types of math questions.

I found this assignment pretty helpful because now I know where I went wrong and what not to do the next time around.

1st Question:

2nd Question:


YouTube video for help with polynomials

I found this video very helpful because it shows how to divide the simplest of questions to the most difficult questions. Throughout the video, it explained how to do different strategies to solve these problems, such as long division. Everything was explained very thoroughly which made it super easy to understand. It reinforced what I already knew and it also gave me another way to solve a division question with polynomials.

Stop Motion – Ecological Cycles on Mars

Our task was to create a stop motion video of the 5 cycles for necessary substances on Mars and how to recycle them.

a/What the heck is STOPMOTION?

Stop motion is a series of photos taken one after the other. When you put them together in a video, it seems as though the images are moving.


b/ Name what app & equipment your team will use?

Stop motion studio and we will be using paper to draw all of our images and write all of our notes, drawing supplies, a ring stand, scissors, flashlight and a phone

i/ Who is on your team?

Kennedy, Katie C, Micole, Aileen, and Evelina


ii/ What is each members task?


Kennedy will research the steps for water and draw some pictures for the video

Micole is doing the editing of the video and researching nitrogen

Aileen is doing the drawing for the video and researching phosphorus

Katie is doing the research for oxygen and the drawing for the video

Evelina is doing the research for carbon as well as some drawings for the video


Everyone will write out their notes on small pieces of paper to add to the video as well as drawing out their own pictures to go with their video


All of us will also help Micole out with the editing and the production of the videos


Sources for the water cycle information:




Biome Sway – Reflection

Today, Mitchell, Maya, Nighina, and myself made a collaborative sway on four different biomes found in our world. First, we each picked a biome and started the research project with specific roles. Mitchell found the pictures for each biome, Maya found a few videos for each biome, Nighina made a works cited page, and I found graphs for each biome. Then, we all wrote our own text for our biome, including facts and information written in point form. Finally, we put all our finished products together and made one collaborative sway.

Overall, I think our process worked out pretty well. Everyone was open to every idea and we combined them together to create the best possible presentation. There wasn’t really a lot of conflict that we faced throughout the process, which was a key part of our success. Something I think we could improve on is our communication because at times it was hard to figure out where everyone was in their work because we didn’t really communicate where were at. It made it harder to put together the final product and have it all in one piece. However, I think that we created a solution for ourselves and everything worked out in the end. I really enjoyed doing a collaborative project like so and I hope to do another one in the future!



Video Essay: Adults Cause Discrimination

My video essay on why I believe that adults cause racism. Our task was to take our essay that we wrote and turn it into a presentation to go along with our writing. I chose to display my information in an Emaze and have my voice in the background.

How to listen – If the audio doesn’t play automatically, follow these instructions: on each slide, there is a small box. Click on it to begin the audio for each slide. Use the arrows on each side of the presentation to manually switch slides.

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