scenario activity

Scenario: John and Emily are high school students who want to get good grades, maintain active social lives, and participate in sports. John is a linebacker on the football team, and Emily is a defender on the soccer team. Their busy lives prevent them from spending much time on their homework, and they both have been averaging Cs with an occasional D on their work in English class. The end of the semester is drawing near, and a major final project and test are looming. They both think they will pull off at least a B in the course by doing well on these final activities. However, both the football and soccer teams have qualified for post-season games, and both John and Emily are on the decorating committee for a major end-of-year dance which they will attend. Secretly they both want to be selected as King and Queen for the dance, so they have been spending extra time socializing with other students after practice in the evenings.

Questions for response:

1. Do you think that John and Emily are deceiving themselves about being able to do well in their English class?

  • Yes, I think that John and Emily are clouding their school studies and productivity of work with their social lives and extracurricular activities. But I believe that they can make a change if they wanted to, they just need to try harder.

2. What do you think might be the result of the schedule they are following?

  • If they continue with their study habits they may fail English and become a year behind and need to retake the course, because english is a mandatory course.

3. If they don’t do well in their English work, will they blame others or themselves?

  • They will probably blame themselves because they are the only ones who can change their grades and they need to put forth the effort to create change in academics rather than focusing on social statuses.

4. What, if anything, might you do differently if you were in their place?

  • If I were in their position I would probably talk to my teacher to find extra projects and ways to bring up my grade, I would also make schoolwork my first priority, sports my second, and socializing my third. School and sports are things that can reward your future with scholarships and good grades.

Food’s 12, Food Waste

Food waste is a major problem in our world today, approximately 1.3 billion tonnes is wasted a year. In my life at home, school, or other activities or places lots of food is wasted. At home, my family usually puts extra food in the compost bin but occasionally uses the garbage. We usually have leftovers after dinner which is an issue we could improve by making less food, or taking them for lunch the next day. When I eat out it usually depends on the dish I order and the size, if I were to go out for sushi I could order a small amount but if I were to go somewhere as I Hop, for example, I can’t finish a whole dish.  A solution for this could be taking extra food home to go and have later. At school, I pack my lunch, I bring snacks like fishy crackers or a granola bar, and usually a sandwich or pasta. If I don’t eat all the snacks I just bring them home for another day. I don’t think I waste much food at school but occasionally I can throw extra food away. In conclusion, I believe that I do waste too much food in total and can try to make amounts that won’t leave me with extra, or make sure to compost and recycle the things I do use.

Desmos Portrait 2018

I figured out what each function looked liked individually, and what looked most like each facial structure on my face. I would take an equation and modify it so it would go in a specific spot and place on the face. In my final end results I wasnt extremely happy with my result because I struggled very much on this task and found it quite tricky. I was happy with the eyes but couldnt figure iut how to do a second eyebrow. At the begining I did get help with the mouth from Angie, and had done the rest on my own. I think that this assignemnt did give me a better understanding on graphs and what a function is, and feel like it helped a lot.