Math weekly blog post #8

That week we learned about polynomial and how to expand and simplify. Polynomial is a equations with 1-4+ terms. In algebra, a letter that represents one or more numbers is called a variable, such as 2a-b+4 at called algebraic expressions.

to simplify 2x+3x+24, we combine like terms. In simple state it is 4x+24.

and that’s what we learn this week of how to solve polynomial expressions.

Weekly Blog Post #7

What we did this week was Trigeometry. Trigeometry is about solving right angle tringles which is finding about the missing side or the angle point. which is always the variable. The way to solve is by sine,cosine,and tangent.

👍 to solve for the one on top you have to:

step 1: find missing angle or side(x) by labelling

step 2:solve for missing side by using SOH CAH TOA and I picked SOH for sin.

step 3: to solve for missing angle, you have to use inverse sine equation like above and transfer the sine to other side.

step 4: put in calculator to get answer!!!😎😎

👆for this one u have to find the missing side.

Step 1:label to find which needs to be solve

step 2: use SOH CAH TOA, for this you have to use TOA for tangent.

STEP 3: the variable is on the bottom, so you have to reciprocate or have variable on top.

step 4:devide to get answer!


☝🏼 for this one I had to find the missing side.

step 1: label  and find missing variable.

Step 2:SOH CAH TOA. I’m using CAH for cosine.

step 3: multiply to get answer!👏👏👏


this is is what and how to do Trigeometry.

weekly blog post #5

this week we learned how to convert a metric to an imperial or vice versa.

The metric system is an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement. the metic is all about kilo, hecta, unit, deca, deci, centi, and mili.

this is how to convert within the metric:

1 millimeter = 0.001 meter
1 centimeter = 0.01 meter
1 decimeter = 0.1 meter
1 kilometer = 1000 meters

the imperial is only used by U.S and Canada and compromises of inches, feet, yards, and miles.

this is how to convert within the imperial:

1 foot [ft] 12 in
1 yard [yd] 3 ft
1 mile 1760 yd

this is how to convert metric to imperial:

Metric US or Imperial
1 millimetre [mm] arrow 0.03937 in
1 centimetre [cm] 10 mm arrow 0.3937 in
1 metre [m] 100 cm arrow 1.0936 yd
1 kilometre [km] 1000 m arrow 0.6214 mile


and this is what I learned this week 🙂


Weekly blog post #4

This week we learned about rational exponent and how to solve them.

rational exponents are numbers with fraction powers which you could turn them into radical form by having following the rule of “flower power”. Flower power means that the bottom is always the root and the top is always the power and to term them into power form you have to do likewise from radical form.

this is how to solve a rational exponent.

So the answer of 16 to the power of 3/4 is 8

Math 10 Week #3

This week we learned about rational exponent and how to solve them.

rational exponents are numbers with fraction powers which you could turn them into radical form by having following the rule of “flower power”. Flower power means that the bottom is always the root and the top is always the power and to term them into power form you have to do likewise from radical form.

this is how to solve a rational exponent.


So the answer of 16 to the power of 3/4 is 8

Math 10 Week #1

from this week I learned how to prime factorization works by dividing it until you get 1.

by using factor tree, you could get smaller number called Prime Number, which is a natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.

Like so….

Image result for factor tree

so the prime factorization of 54 is  2\cdot3^3

and that is what I learned this week 🙂