Matter Matters

Chapter 1.2 talks about how matter changes states, how matter is made up of particles. Matter is anything with a volume and mass. Each particle moves around more or less depending on the state. Chapter 1.2 also talks about elemental and compound pure substances. Solids have a definite volume and form, liquid has definite volume but not form, Gas has neither a definite form or volume.

A change of state occurs at temperature change. A solids molecules are condensed and move slowly; a liquid’s volume is definite but its shape is indefinite, its molecules move somewhat quickly and are slightly spaced apart; a gas’ volume and shape depend on its surroundings, a gas molecules are spread out and move quickly. There are names for each process of change (gas to liquid and liquid to gas have different names).

A chemical change and a physical change are very different. A chemical change would be cooking something while a physical change could be breaking a cup; one’s build up and molecules have changed, while the other has simply changed visibly.

Matter = Anything with a mass and volume

Mass = How much matter in a substance

Volume = How much space the substance takes up

Chemical Change = When substances are combined to create a different substance

Physical Change = Change of state (Solid, Liquid, Gas)

Matter = Made up of particles

There is space between particles, more space between gas particles than liquid, and liquid has more space than solid

Particles are always moving, less in solid and more gas

Particles are attracted to each other

Pure substances, compound pure substances and elemental pure substances,

Elemental = Can not be broken down or split up

Compound = Made up of two or more elemental substances

Qualitative Properties = Describing the substances

Quantitave Properties = Can be measured


We thought of many ways to present the project such as a Prezi or PowerPoint going over all the important information from chapter 1.2, we were thinking of maybe doing a video talking about everything from 1.2, or making a game where you play as a substance and you change states.

We didn’t plan enough and could’ve further extend our explanation. With more time we could’ve presented our information in a more interesting and engaging way.