Mutation Story

Mutation Story
Cri du Chat (cry of the cat)

I am a rare genetic condition caused by the deletion of a chromosome. I was not inherited from the parents of my host body since it is uncommon. Unfortunately for my host, they inherited an unbalanced translocation and are missing genetic material from the short arm of chromosome 5; this caused my host’s intellectual disability and health problems. My kind of condition occurs roughly 1 in 20,000 to 50,000. Luckily for my host they were not born with a heart defect which can occur on occasion with my particular type of condition.
My host has been effected by the negative mutation and has a number of symptoms due to it, such as:
low weight at birth, growing struggles, wide eyes, unusual facial features, higher voice and many more. The body of my host could be considered high functioning compared to others and since this condition was discovered roughly 50 years ago there is not a lot of information or advanced treatments to cope with this condition. My host can go about their daily life fairly easily even though school isn’t catered to their condition they continue to persevere.


I needed to find out about how someone would obtain this mutation, the causes, effects, severity, rarity, and so on and so forth. I used my trusted sites such as YouTube and Wikipedia, and although one could say Wikipedia is unreliable mistakes are corrected very quickly and reading the same information among other sites does strengthen its reputation. Watching videos of parents of children who possess the disorder gives you an inside opinion and observations and one video was of someone who was living with the disorder and how he wished to raise awareness towards it. If given more in class time, my end product would have turned out much more insightful. Another factor that might’ve helped would’ve been a professional or more known information about the disorder.

One thought on “Mutation Story

  1. Mr. Robinson says:

    Thanks for your mutation story. I appreciate how you have successfully answered your questions in your story. Embedding some of the Youtube videos as opposed to them being links would add to the engagement of your post. Great work citing your sources with embedded links.

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