Elemental elements

Group Members: Mohammed, Kelsea, Rafael, and Cam

Our group contacted Gold Corp to find out how they transport and mine the gold. We created a video reenacting the interview.


Fun Facts about Gold:

Golds Atomic number is 79 (Au)

A single ounce of gold can be drawn into a wire 60 miles long.

Gold is said to be so rare that the world pours more steel in an hour than it has poured gold since time began.

The largest gold nugget found in the U.S. weighed 195 pounds; it came from California.

One thought on “Elemental elements

  1. emilys2015 says:

    Great Job! I really enjoyed how you reenacted the interview you had with the company you contacted. Your video was engaging and had a lot of information about gold. I found you presentation very informative a I learned a lot about the gold mining industry.

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