Bald is Beautiful Questions (gachbaldisbeautiful)

Q1) She mean that the support of her family and the care of her friends were more important than her hair. Family and friends are the most important thing in our life, because hair can be regenerated without it, but friends and family can’t be lost anymore, So we have to cherish our family and friends.

Q2) According to my definition, the hero in this story is family and friends. Because she felt that she had no hair is very shameful, so before the hair came out , she didn’t want to go to school for fear of being laughed at people. But with the encouragement of her family she go to school. Before she went to school her friend was late to come, she thought her friend did not want to go to school with her is because she is no hair, so she did not have any confidence. Finally her friend came forward and gave her encouragement to regain her confidence. So the hero in the story is family and friends, without their encouragement and support may she lose confidence.


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