Float Your Boat


We had a lack of knowledge, time, and materials when creating our boat. If we had known more about the structure and how the weight of the pennies would effect the boat then our result would have been different.

2. Hypothesis

If we place the straws on the bottom of the boat then it will help support the weight of the pennies because due to the structure of the straw it will help act as a floating device.

3. How Many Pennies?

Our boat was only able to hold 20 pennies before it sunk.

4. What Was Your Thinking/Reasoning Behind the Design of Your Boat?

When we were creating the boat what we had thought initially was that the sticks would help support the weight of the pennies, the straws would be used as a floating device, and the tin foil would help protect the straws/sticks.

5. What Would You Change or Keep About Your Design?

If I were to make the boat again I would have still kept the tinfoil folded over to protect the sticks but I would have placed the straws on the outside of the foil still using it as a floating device. I also wouldn’t fold the foil in half because that is how the water had gotten into our boat, helping it sink.

Math 10 Week 1

This week in math 10 we learned about numbers. Though it was mostly a review of things that I’ve done in my previous years of math one thing I learned is that if you are only given the prime factors of a number it can tell you quite a bit about that number. With only its prime numbers you can find both your mystery number and ALL of its factors.

  1. You start by writing down the prime factors that are already given
  2. Then, you would cover one of the prime numbers and multiply the other prime numbers together to find what the covered numbers pair (the number that you would multiply the covered number by to equal the mystery number) is. Repeat for the other prime numbers.
  3. Next, you multiply the prime numbers in pairs, making sure that you multiply each number by all the other prime numbers given.
  4. Make sure you don’t forget to add 1 and the original number (multiply all the prime numbers together) on the list of factors