Refrigerator Proposal - ALD16 Solution

The creative product: A refrigerator that automatically introduces and organizes EVERYTHING product your purchase 


One of most serious modern problems is that food wasting – people often throw away unopened grocery items which  either are forgotten by people at the back of their fridge or is passed to expiration date. Moreover, people don’t check the back of the product packages where have specific introduction to the nutrition data of the food they buy. My group mates and I find a solution which may resolve this issue by creating a “smart” fridge like a little laptop that able to self scanning the items your put into the fridge and warn you when something is closed to expiration date. Likely, it also is included the function recipes organization : give recipes suggestion base on the food you have chosen.


The solution to the  huge food wasting around the world was  initially proposed by Samsung, one of the world biggest electronic device production industry company. The name was “the Family Hub fridge” by Samsung.  The idea was that there was an display screen on the front side of the fridge that includes many features. It was introduced by  reminders, clocks, music, at least  3 built in cameras, etc.The owner has access to the ref ridge through the screen just very similar compare to a smart phone. Although,  Samsung company hadn’t find a  way of reminding if a product has expired or no nutritional guide to help you make the right decisions on daily intake plan.


  •    We have planned a  scanning system like the one on the supermarket to keep track of every food product include: nutrition information and expiration date.
  • We will creating a calculator on the system to track the recommendation calorie, once you excess the calorie intake, it will show you a warning on screen.
  • Create an app that connected to your mobile device where you can get update from not only fridge screen but also on your cellphone and create your grocery shopping list anytime, any location.



For the device, itself it will use a series circuit.  because mostly every smart device has a power switch, so it would make a lot sense to use a series circuit, and the device will run depending on if it’s on or off. and Also, it will have an Ion battery so it will need to be charged this can keep the device keep working even the power is outage, in that case a series circuit is good since we need a power charger to power the device from one circuit.  The electricity would mostly flow when the device is being charged through the battery. and this is basically it.