house project



Question of Project 

You have three light bulbs. All have the same intensity when lit. Explain how you can prove to a classmate that they are connected in series by unscrewing one light bulb. Support your answer. 

By unscrewing a light bulb, we found the other two light bulbs didn’t go out of power instantly as we expected before experiment.  We later discovered that even though the light bulbs was unscrewed, the bottom of the light bulb was still  conducting power. As so the power would still transfer power the other two light bulbs under the situation when we have a completed circuit. However, if the light bulb was the conductor then as soon as we unscrew it, the entire circuit flow  became incompletely so the electrons would not be delivered and the other two light bulbs could not be light up.


You have three light bulbs. All have the same intensity when lit. Explain how you can prove to a classmate that they are connected in parallel by unscrewing one light bulb.

When we were saying the light bulb was connected in parallel, it means that there is equal or more than two ways for electrons in battery to get from the negative terminal to the positive terminal for parallel circuits. When parallel circuit was present,  even one of the light bulb was unscrewed the other two light bulb would still be lighting.The explanation for this was  there is no way to make this circuit to become a n uncompleted circuit


You have three light bulbs. Two are connected in parallel. This parallel combination is connected in series with the third light bulb. Describe the relative intensity of each bulb. Support your answer.

When there were 3 light bulbs connected in series, the relative intensity of each one will become equally strong because there is one battery available for each light bulb. Therefore, they contained no different intensity between each others.


In question number three, describe the relative intensities of the two remaining lit bulbs if one of the bulbs in parallel was unscrewed. Support your answer.


Reflect on the quality of your ability to collaborate during this project What did you do well. Or What could you have improved. 

During the electric house development project, I feel confident about the elevator of the house which was designed by myself. And I provided idea to my group mate, I told Justin about putting the battery on the roof as a solar device which can absorb energy from the sun and save electricity. For the part I need to work more on is communication with my group mates. We only had chance to meet up on the class and we barely talked outside school during the project. And some parts of house development was not as great as what we initially planned. We should follow what Ms. Kim encouraged us to do, talk to your partners more frequently and communicate with everyone’s opinion to make project more flawless.



Info fluency questions 

what questions did you need to research in order to develop your understanding of circuits?

When our group first started the project, we were asked to structure a prototype of the circuits in paper. While we were working on it, we had trouble of the real concept about how electrons moving through the light bulbs because as we discover that one had very strong light and the other light bulbs has very weak lights. In order to better understand that better,  we specialized each other on finding the answers. I was responsible to find source from Youtube video. Justin was finding the proof from Wikipedia and Dennis was the one that summarize the information we collected and improve our prototype.

What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

New digital tool we introduced was Youtube. It was my first time using Youtube to work through the project. We find only words and pictures from Google website somehow difficult to understand since we are not familiar on the project process. Youtube was a great platform that provided use not only clear explanation and also vivid video and example. And we can look at the previous projects that similar to ours and see how they overcome all the problems and the constructions of the electric house. Nevertheless, we also used some of the source from Wikipedia to find the original concept and understand some unfamiliar terminology.

What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

We used the process of 4A which were Ask,Acquire,Apply,and Examine. We first asked teacher how to improve our circuit and Ms.Kim gave us some very useful answers those answers helped us a lot with our circuits. We acquired our information from teacher and internet, we applied our information on circuits and we examine from internet.


How did you verify and cite the information you found?

We verified the information with teacher and several experiments we conducted, we find the information we found is very useful and its all legit information.

How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

The hard part is the circuits and my group member did a great about it. For my opinion, the area I think do more about the circuits and my group members could give me more things to do so i can do more about our circuits and maybe a better mark for our house.

Wayne: Mitosis and Meiosis Project Reflection


Me and my partner Zach worked very well together we come up with the idea using two tomatoes to represents mitosis and meiosis reaction. I cut one of them vertically to show the transformation of mitosis. For the other one, we cut it horizontally to show the process of meiosis.  Moreover, we learnt about writing dialogue to explain the concept of two different reactions and help me better understand one cell can actually divide to multiple ones and how cells duplicate. I am very satisfied with what my group had accomplished.

Science 4D “Meet the Elements” Lab – Wayne Xie

1  What is an element that reacted with many other elements? Which elements did it react with?

In the experiment that I found the element Sodium reacts with a lot of elements such as Oxygen, Fluorine, Sulfur and Chlorine.

2 What is an elements that did not react with any elements? Which elements did it not react with?

I found that Helium didn’t react to any element. In the lab and I had tried to react Helium with Iodine, Plutonium and Surfur, although it turned out later they didn’t pair up and have no reaction among Helium and other elements.

3 Why do you think some elements reacted with each other and others didn’t?

I think some elements reacted with each other and others didn’t because  some element has full shell and some element don’t. When the element doesn’t  have full shells come together they took each others particle to get a full shell. On the other hand, when the element has full shell, there is no need for it to take others’ particle, with resulted no reaction or paring up between them.

4 Do you think there may be a pattern to how the periodic table is arranged? Does it relate to how elements react with each other?

I think that the periodic table has its own pattern. It is organized by the things that the elements’ characteristics. And it can be also depended on if they’re metals, non-metals.  From my observation, elements are listed in numerical order by atomic number for example, Hydrogen that has element number of  1 is first element on the period table.


Refrigerator Proposal - ALD16 Solution

The creative product: A refrigerator that automatically introduces and organizes EVERYTHING product your purchase 


One of most serious modern problems is that food wasting – people often throw away unopened grocery items which  either are forgotten by people at the back of their fridge or is passed to expiration date. Moreover, people don’t check the back of the product packages where have specific introduction to the nutrition data of the food they buy. My group mates and I find a solution which may resolve this issue by creating a “smart” fridge like a little laptop that able to self scanning the items your put into the fridge and warn you when something is closed to expiration date. Likely, it also is included the function recipes organization : give recipes suggestion base on the food you have chosen.


The solution to the  huge food wasting around the world was  initially proposed by Samsung, one of the world biggest electronic device production industry company. The name was “the Family Hub fridge” by Samsung.  The idea was that there was an display screen on the front side of the fridge that includes many features. It was introduced by  reminders, clocks, music, at least  3 built in cameras, etc.The owner has access to the ref ridge through the screen just very similar compare to a smart phone. Although,  Samsung company hadn’t find a  way of reminding if a product has expired or no nutritional guide to help you make the right decisions on daily intake plan.


  •    We have planned a  scanning system like the one on the supermarket to keep track of every food product include: nutrition information and expiration date.
  • We will creating a calculator on the system to track the recommendation calorie, once you excess the calorie intake, it will show you a warning on screen.
  • Create an app that connected to your mobile device where you can get update from not only fridge screen but also on your cellphone and create your grocery shopping list anytime, any location.



For the device, itself it will use a series circuit.  because mostly every smart device has a power switch, so it would make a lot sense to use a series circuit, and the device will run depending on if it’s on or off. and Also, it will have an Ion battery so it will need to be charged this can keep the device keep working even the power is outage, in that case a series circuit is good since we need a power charger to power the device from one circuit.  The electricity would mostly flow when the device is being charged through the battery. and this is basically it.

Static Electricity Report

The 3 most important things we have learned through static electricity:

– I learn from the experiment that static electricity is somehow connected to friction—that it’s the very act of rubbing ballon that produces a buildup of electrical energy.

–  I also know about electrons are often charged with friction. Moreover, how two  things conduct  that are insulators and do not let electrons passthrough.

–  Nevertheless, I learn the properties of each part and their reaction when they act with each other and  the concept of  making  the atom negative, positive, or neutral. It becomes mush  easier for me  to tell if an atom is positively charged, or negatively charged.

The lab I find the most helpful in understanding static is : Van de Graaff generator

Explain how it was helpful: It gives me further understanding of how electrons and charge pass from one object to the other.

When I touched the generator, my hair started lifting high. I don’t know why this happened. Throughout the explanation from teacher is because that when  you touch the generator, all that electricity will go through your body giving you a big shock.


Osteosarcoma- Cancer Story

Osteosarcoma is also known as osteogenic sarcoma : a type of cancer that begins in the bones:
Most of the time, occur in children and young adults.
It usually develops in the bone areas where is growing quickly : around the ends of the long bones.
It can develop in any bone, including the bones of the pelvis (hips), shoulder, and jaw.
Although scientist has not been clear at the time about the cause:
Inherited DNA mutation : DNA can cause cells to become cancerous.
The result of gene changes during the one’s lifetime
Radiation therapy for another cancer
Pain in the affected bone
Swelling in the tumour area
A limb that was sore for a few months
Bone fractures
The survey found the chemotherapy given before and after the bone surgery will cure many people with osteosarcoma.
Treatment with a professional medical team: doctors in major cancer centers
Radiation therapy: uses high-energy rays or particles to kill cancer cells.
Radioactive drugs: extremely helpful when cancer has spread to many bones.
The risk of Osteosarcoma cancers can be reduced with some lifestyle changes
Staying at a healthy weight
Quitting the tobacco
Eat healthier
Stay away from radiation
Use essential oils
Workout and exercise frequently

solution fluency

1.first I think the oil problem will be solved because when u have electricity ,you dont need gas any more , you can power every thing with it.its global. we use sun, wind, and water to fix the problem.

3.I think we can shoot a satellite to collect powers from the sun.

4.the satellite is a small nuclear plant, and sun’s power can run the satellite so it wont wast too much money on gas,and its in the space so no one will get hurt and it wont do any damage.


Wayne,hope i can get a good mark

Wayne : Experiment on DNA model

  1. How are chromosomes, DNA, and genes related to one another?
     Genes are found on DNA and DNA strands forms chromosomes: DNA consists of sequence of nitrogen bases (A,T,C and G) these bases are linked together by  bonds forming the backbone of the DNA strand, the DNA is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions which are genes. DNA strands containing these genetic instructions (genes) are packed in the form of chromosomes, the long strands of DNA are wrapped around protein complexes called nucleosomes which consists of protein called histones, the DNA in chromosomes serves as the source for transcription, during cell cycle the number of chromosomes are replicated and every cell gets a copy of the chromosomes.
  2. Explain what these pieces represent:
    • Licorice : represents sugar/phosphate backbone
    • Marshmallows (each colour) :
      Cytosine (C)= Pink         Adenine (A)= Yellow
      Thymine (T)= Orange   Guanine (G)= Green


3.How did this activity help you understand the structure of DNA.

In this science projects, we made a model of a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule which helped me to understand more        about DNA  molecules give instructions, provide a road map, and lay out rules for the development and  functioning of all living cells in organisms.