Prion disease


Hi I am the prion disease and above me is what I look like. I am a disease that live inside humans and animals mostly sheep and goats I was identified in the 1730s. I am a family of progressive neurodegenerative disorder but people can’t say that so they just call me the (PND) for short. They also call me the creditzfeldt -jakub  but people cat always say that ether so they call me (CFD) for short. So let me tell you what a human looks like on the out side when I am inside ” well they have red rashly skin and they don’t have a lot of hair” and now let me tell you what it looks like when I am inside an animal lets use a sheep for my example ” well they look old and really skinny and they slowly  start loosing fur and  then soon after they lost   lots of fur they slowly and painfully start to die. I am a type of protein that can trigger the protein in a humans brain that makes your brain fold  abnormally.  so that’s how me the prion disease can make human and animals sick so make sure u don’t let m in your body 1 way to prevent me in your body ; don’t be around a human that looks like they have me in there body or an animal mostly sheep and goats. Thank u for listing to what me the prion disease do in your body all I have to say is eat your fruits kids thank you from the prion disease.