why I think marijuana should not be legal

I think that marijuana should not be legal becuse if affects your brain and if it’s legal more people will lie it and even if there is an age limit people abover the age will buy it and sell it to under aged kids and teens and more younger aged kids will be using. Also people can get cancer from smoking t much if it and if it’s legalized more people will smoke so much they wil, get addicted more people will be addicted to it that they will smoke so much that it will ruin there lungs and give them canserr also who ever buys it may put stuff in it and sell it to younger kids and they could die. It may not of killed anyone but it sure is still dangerous yes it is used for metical reasons but how’s so people are using it it’s  not all only for sick people there using it to be cool that it why I think marijuana should not be legal


Now some people would say that it should be legal becuse people use it fir metical care and it has not killed anyone so it’s totally safe and it should good that it’s legal and that people are safe and won’t sell it to under aged kids and that kids will use it fir good reason only not be be cool but to have fun becuse being high on a drug is fun becuse it makes you feel funny and you forget what you did the night before when you were on the drug that what’s most addictive marijuanan peoole wouod say becuse they have researched that it’s safe and it’s  ok to use a drug that may or may not give uiu canseer becuse it’s better that smoking or drinking whit h it is but technology people,still do it anyways to be cool


WW1 tactics

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My plate goals

one goal I have  is to not be on social media as much as a am and how I will do that is finding an alternative like going outside or drawing. Another goal I have is to become a famous singer and how I am trying to get to that is to practice singing and sing on YouTube for people to hear. My last goal I have is to make a few friends becuse my friend friends space on my plate is small and I would love to make the space bigger somto make more friends is to be more confident in my self to talk to new people

racism back then and now

Katie racism back then and now

Racism back that was pretty bad. When they would go and watch a play or something the white people and the black people could not even sit together and when someone refused to move because they were sitting with the wrong people they would be pulled you right out if there seat and put you were you are supposed to be crazy right. Also they couldn’t even use the same bathroom as the whites what a world to live in that backs and whites used different bathrooms just because of their skin color and that not even the worsted part. Young Black boys were assumed to be aggressive and up to no good so there just trying to say that because they are black and little there and that there mean and hurt people and aggressive and ‘’ Dangerous’’ but that was probably not even true they just thought that because of their skin color. Around the 900s black people were discriminated in Canada and the U.S. something else that’s hard to believe sometimes is that some people lost the right to vote because of the color of their skin like that’s terrible. Racism now is not as bad but as back than but it’s bad in a ways some people might think they have formed a law that is against discrimination towards people with different color skin and I’m not going to say that people now are perfect and never say anything racist they do but its more controlled now and you can get in some trouble if you get caught saying a thing raciest and now we can all use the same bath rooms and sit were ever we want to. So yes it has change a lot in the past few years before it was bad now it’s bad but more controlled more than back than so this was my racism back then and now paragraph hope you learned what it was like for black and white people to live in a country back than

sway paragraph

Getting over me fear of singing to big crowds

I have huge stage fright but I thought that I needed to get over that fear and sing. so I needed to find a song  I looked for days practicing. and when the day came that it was time for me to sing I looked at how many people were out there and I started sweating and kinda tearing up but I walked out on  stage and the music play but I didn’t say a word it was like my voice got scared and ran away I  wish I could of done the the same thing. I was still frozen still like a statue but than like 2 minutes later I herd the crowd yelling my name and saying I could do it and when I Hurd that I sang my heart out now I’m not as scared to sing infrount of big crowds but I’m still kinda am that was my sway paragraph hope u liked it.

Year end reflection

1. I learned how to make an inquiry question and build on it

2. I learned how to make a good spoken word.

3.  I learned how to wright and good essay

2. My  fondest memorie is making a the stop motion video and making lots of new friends in this class


a tip for me for English 10 is ask more questions if I don’t understand what I’m doing and hand in all my work by the due date