Marshmallow challenge

Was there a leader on your team? Who was it and who decided who the leader would be?
If you had no leader, do you think having designated someone a leader would have helped?
If you had a leader, how did he/she do?
How helpful was everyone on your team in challenging the process of building the tallest structure? Did anyone appear to be an expert?
Did any team members tune out of the activity — out of frustration with other members or for some other reason? What could you have done to keep all members of the group fully engaged?
Did you feel everyone’s ideas were well received during the activity?
How did you feel as the time limit was approaching? Did pressure increase? If yes, was that helpful or not?
In retrospect, what could you have done better?
Did you celebrate small wins? If yes, how did you do this?

1. We did not have a leader we all kind of were the leaders because we all gave ideas and took charge when it wasn’t needed.

2. It may have helped us id we had one main leader because than we could have been more organized.

3 we all were leaders for different parts of the challenge and we all did very well.

4 everyone was very helpful in makeing our structure

5. No one appeared to be an expert we all seemed to not know what we were doing

6.  No one tuned out or got frustrated we all actually stayed calm and stayed on task we were all laughing most of the time which I think was one of the best parts of this challenge.

7. I think everyone’s ideas were reserved and got put into our structure.

8 I felt I bit of pressure put on to our team as we hit a serten time limit but we ended up getting pretty tall but it fell

9. We could have Mabey added more tape to hold the together and used the string to support it more so when we put the marshmallow on it wouldn’t bend and break .

10 ours did not even standing up for 2 seconds the second we let it go it fell down on to the ground but over all we did a grea job got to get to know one another.