science 9 reflection

What have you learned so far in Science 9 ? I learned about  biology which includes: chromatids, chromosomes, cell structure, the food chain and more! i also learned about chemistry, in chemistry we learned about the periodic table which was new to me, as well as chemical bonding: compounds, ions, covalent bonds and more.

How have you developed? I have developed because before high school I didn’t get homework. Which mean getting lots of homework was sort of new since I had homework in Q1. I am more used to  getting lots of homework now. 

What are your goals for the rest of Q3 and your next Science course?

in quarter three my goal is to hand all/most of my assignments in on time, listen well, do well, and get good grades. my goals for science ten as well is handing everything on time all the time, study lots, and get good grade.


Go to this Sway
  1. i search up things like: interesting facts about ruthenium, common ways to using it, how was it named, lots of my information was all on one site.
  2. sway was a new tool for me to use, it was somewhat complicated at first but I figured it out soon
  3. I searched for images, then I made slides, searched up in formation, wrote it down in my own words, and then I “decorated”.
  4. i made sure that it was true information, by searching it up on many websites to double check, and when you give which website you use you can just copy and paste the link.
  5. i think i did well on the project and it wasn’t too hard of a topic.