Desmos Art Function Card 2018

While doing this project I had the most trouble while doing some of the letters, specifically the R’s and S. When I was doing these letters I got stuck on what equations to use, when this happened I usually went through my workbook in order to find inspiration. I also had help from the demos creative thinking website where I used it to get a rough idea of what to do. My brother was also very helpful with this project, especially when I got stuck while trying to come up with graphs to use for the face. I found that demos is very picky about where you used brackets which was sometimes a struggle for me. This project helped me a lot with transformations, because while doing them I had to do a lot of review on expansions, commissions, reflections, and translations which really helped me understand it better. This project was fun but it took a lot of time and patience to do.

Population pyramid- Iceland

Blue- Male

Red- Female

2. Dependency Ratio of Iceland = 58.80. Iceland has a low dependency ratio due to the high number of children. Iceland has a high number of both working people and children but has a low number of people 65+ Age group.

3. In Iceland, the population is increasing due to high birth rates. Iceland has a low dependency ratio and is currently in Stage 3 DTM.

4. In the future, Iceland will need to keep their population steady to keep their dependency ratio where it is. As the working generation goes into retirement the dependency ratio will grow so if parents have smaller families then the dependency ratio should even out.

Overpopulation essay

Overpopulation Is Not An Issue

​Yes, the population is rapidly growing, but it does not mean that overpopulation is a problem. In 1804 the world population hit the one billion mark. 208 years later the population hit the seven billion mark in March of 2012. Since then the population has increased to 7,615,970,482 people, which is the current population today. For this large population number I can see why people may be worried, but when you look at all the resources to have, there’s nothing to worry about. Overpopulation describes a situation where the number of people exhausts the resources in a closed environment. Such that it can no longer support the population. The population can always be supported, just as long as we know how to distribute all of our resources properly.

There is an article called “Population Growth Is Still The Biggest Problem Facing Humanity” written by Gary Peters. In this article he states “resource limits and environmental degradation are becoming more apparent every day”. This statement has been proven false from studies done by the UN. In these studies it has been shown that our resources have been growing with the population. IN the past 10 years our food productions have even passed the population growth rate. This means that we have plenty of food for everyone. People are starving because we aren’t distributing the food properly. All the worlds nearly 1 billion hungry people could be lifted out of malnourishment on less than ¼ of the food that is wasted in the US, UK, and Europe. With 1 billion people in the world malnourished, others are afraid that they will be next with the growing population. I agree that we had many people who are malnourished, but that’s not from our growing population. It has been proven that we have enough food for our entire population. We are just not distributing that food properly. Peters also says “We can no longer wait for increasing wealth to bring down fertility in remaining high fertility nations; we need policies and incentives to stop growth now.” China already created the 1 child policy and it was shown to have many negative effects. Some effects include the sex ratio, female infanticide , and many more. The ratio between male and female children drastically changed. Many families wanted boys so that they could keep the family name, so when they did have girls, many of the women would have an abortion until they conceived a boy. Looking at the Google Public Data Explorer we can see that fertility rates have naturally gone down already. They have been decreasing because the need for multiple children is gone. Until the 1980;s fertility rates were very high, this was due to 1/5 children dying. The mothers would have more children in-case one of them did die, there would still be other children.

There are many worries about land space in the world. People are worried that there is not enough land to hold our growing population. With research done by the United Nations Populations Fund (UNPF) it has been known that there is approximately 7,600,000,000 people on earth. The landmass of Texas is 268,820 square miles (7,494,271,488,000 square feet). If we divide 7,494,271,488,000 square feet by 7,600,000,000 people, we get around 986 square feet per person. This is enough space for everyone on earth to live in a townhouse while altogether fitting on a landmass the size of Texas. With this information we are not even accounting for the average four-person family who would most likely share a home. The condition of overpopulation only exists in cities, not rural areas. With a promise for jobs and prosperity more people are drawn to the city. Poor air and water quality, insufficient water availability, waste-disposal problems, and high-energy consumption are exacerbated by the increasing population density and demands of urban environments. It is understandable that many places are inhabitable, but there are so many places that have a less dense population that are suitable for living. Many places in Canada and the UK have low populations yet they have resources available to allow more people to come.

Singapore is a great example of a country with a high population growth rate that is able to support the population. Singapore has a 1.3% growth rate which lands it in the top 40 countries with the highest population growth rate. Singapore is a developing country that has the resources it needs to support the population. It has been said that Singapore’s economy is at a high right now because of the bigger population. The thing we don’t realize is the good that can come with having a larger population. With more people it means that there are more opportunities and ideas. Paul R. Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, suggested that in an overpopulated world we would have “a dozen Beatles and a few Shakespeares” at any given time. Julien Simon who is an optimist on population growth says, “Resources come out of people’s minds more than out of the ground or air,” he says. “Minds matter economically as much as or more than hands or mouths. Human beings create more than they use, on average. It had to be so, or we would be an extinct species.” This means that with more people on this earth there are so many new possibilities. Humans were made to create, and these ideas can lead to something wonderful. Who knows, maybe in 30 years somebody will come up with a cure for cancer. If we had a child policy like China did in order to maintain the population then it might not happen.

In conclusion, overpopulation is not a problem. We have enough resources to contradict the growing population. The problems that we are facing today are a huge concern, but they are not formed because of overpopulation. The problems we are facing are caused by not being able to distribute out resources properly. Now these problems we are facing are not easy to fix, but with some time, effort, and dedication we have towards helping others, and out planet, they are possible. Looking back at our history, our population has always been growing. With the population growing our world have never been overpopulated, some cities may be, but the world has never been. The definition of overpopulation states that the number of people needs to exhaust the resources, and that has never happened. People are scared of the world now, and in the future being overpopulated, but what they don’t realize is that Earth has yet to become overpopulated.

Citations: (The New York Times) (National Geographic) (Scotty Hendricks)!ctype=b&strail=false&bcs=d&nselm=s&met_x=sp_dyn_le00_in&scale_x=lin&ind_x=false&met_y=sp_dyn_tfrt_in&scale_y=lin&ind_y=false&met_s=sp_pop_totl&scale_s=lin&ind_s=false&dimp_c=country:region&ifdim=country&pit=1429340400000&hl=en_US&dl=en_US&ind=false (Google Public Data Explorer) (World population) (World Population Clock) (Gary Peter)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pressure Groups, Petitions, and Civil Disobedience

Many peoples voices are never heard over the power of the government. there have been countless occasions where the people are not happy and want to get the government to change thing but aren’t heard. Though we may not have a big voice alone, we can come together and make our voices be heard. There are 3 main ways that we can get the governments attention, the 3 main ways are; Pressure Groups, Petitions, and Civil Disobedience. These antics have been used many times in the past, present, and I’m sure they will continue to be used in the future. These 3 actions all have all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Pressure groups gives the public and minority a voice. They bring people who are likeminded and share the same interest and ideas for change together. They are a great way to rise public awareness of matters affecting peoples interests and causes. A great example of a pressure groups is Father4justice who has been successful through many stunts as they raised awareness for fathers who have been denied access to their children after divorce. However, disadvantages of pressure groups are that some large pressure groups that represent powerful organisations are extremely influential therefor difficult for smaller pressure groups to match their impact. Also, the methods of some pressure groups can be a problem. For example, strikes and protests like the blocking of oil deports can cause disruption. Pressure groups can help the government seek what the public wants through protest, if well organised and influential they can change the law. However if they don’t have clear aims then they won’t be able to make a difference.

A great example of a petition is the HST petition. The idea surrounding the petition was to remove HST and reinstate it with PST/GST instead. The petition was signed by over 700,000 people and in turn the government let the citizens vote on whether hey wanted to keep HST or bring back PST/GST. In the end HST was voted out and PST/GST was reinstated and is what we are using today. Some advantages to petitions are it is a non violent way to get the governments attention about different issues. A disadvantage of petitions are that they can be sent to the government and they have to be read but the government does not have to listen to it or take action. this means that whatever cause the people are trying to changed will not be fixed.

Civil disobedience is when people will come together to stand up against the government in a vocal protest usually out in a public place. People in these protests are not allowed to use physics force or violence to get their point across, the point of it is for the government to hear what your saying but not having violence add any negative press to the matter. Civil disobedience has the power to cause real change in society, law, government and even in foreign relations. Civil disobedience has worked successfully in India, South Africa and in the United States among other countries. Although civil protests are started with the idea of it being nonviolent sometimes things can spiral out of control if there are some agitators among the crowd. another disadvantage to civil disobedience is since there is no immediate threat to the people in power and the movement is not aggressive in a literal sense, there is less inclination to initiate the change or even respond to the expression of the protestors. Even if the protest does work it will take a lot of time to start seeing any movement or impact. In some cases when protests do get violent they end up creating a bigger problem than the original issue. Viola Desmond is a great example of civil disobedience. She was tired of being discriminated because of the colour of her skin so she decided to sit in an area of the theatre where people of colour were not allowed. she was eventually dragged out of the theatre and put in jail . Desmond decided to flip the scenario and pressed charges against the theatre instead for assault of when they forcefully removed her from the theatre. he story made front page on the newspaper and helped bring attention to the way coloured people were being treated and fought for a change. Civil disobedience has also been used by the likes of Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. In my opinion civil disobedience is the best way to get your point across, it says that you want a change and you aren’t afraid to publicly speak up about it.

All 3 of these action have proven time and time again that they do make a difference. If people want a change they can’t just sit back and hope something will happen, they have to stand up and make something happen. They can do that by gathering people who all agree on the same issue and that something needs to be changed and then they can use one of these ideas to further their cause.

Week 15- Pre calc 11

Week 15 of pre calc 11 included a lot of fractions and aria keys. This week we learnt how to multiply and divide rational equations. When multiply and dividing there are 3 steps that I always follow.

1. Factor

2. Cross out copies

3. Rewrite the equation and simplify if possible

Lin order to find non permissible values you need to look back into the equation a and find all the factored forms with M. In this example m/=/ -3,2-2, and 0. Whenever m has acosfficient, in the example 3, then the non permissible value of m is always going to equal 0

Week 14- Pre calc 11

This week we had review for our Graphing absolute values and reciprocals test, and then we did the test once Thursday. We also did our first lesson for the new unit we are starting which is, rational expressions and equations.

We already know that a rational number is a quotient of 2 integers. That means that the quotent of 2 polynomials is called a rational expression.

This example shows how the value of x changes the equation. It also shows that each value is the same for the 2 rational expressions

Week 13_ pre calc 11

this week in pre cal 11, I learned how to graph absolute values. We already know that when you have an absolute value it can’t be negative, the same goes for when you are graphing it, the graph can’t go into the negative section. This means that when you graph a line you have to take the part that is INV the negative area and reflect it up so its positive.

In this example you can see that the dotted line is the part of the graph that would have continued into the negative area. Instead of it going negative the line was reflected into the positive area to make a V shape.

Week 12- Pre Calc 11

In week 12 we did a lesson on solving Quadratoc systems of equations. Just by looking at the graph we can tell how many solution it will have.

In order to solve quadratic systems of equations you need to use substitution.




isolate one of the variables



put 3x into y





put ^ (x=2) back into the equation to find y




answer: (2,6)