Week 10- Pre Calc 11

This week we did the Mid-term. Leading up to the midterm I did a lot of review. We did the review in class where our groups made our own questions and put the, all into one big review where we solved everyone else’s questions as well. I did all the questions that were on that review page. I also went onto the Pre calc 11website where our textbooks are from and I downloaded that review and completed it as well. Mr. Cornwall also helped me lots after school on Thursday with a bunch of questions that I had. I went to him because he taught me for part of last year and he knows how I learn best so he helped me understand some concepts that weren’t making sense to me before. Some of my friends including; Molly, Chris, JP, and Quinn went to Mr.Chee’s room and used the white board to work together to figure out problems that we didn’t understand. I worked hard over the long weekend with my brother who also help me study. This is some of the most studying I have ever done for a midterm and I really hope it pays off.