back of the turtle brochure Throughout this project, I was in charge of the shows, I created the slides and description for the PowerPoint. We all had a role in the ideas for the shows, rides and merchandise. that we talked over and modified until we were all happy with the results.
Choir 11 CC
PE 10 core competencies
SELF REFLECTION (document wouldn’t add) How you have created balance in your life while in social distancing? Have you created healthy opportunities for yourself with sleep, eating, exercise, screen time and creating opportunities to have social connections? Reflect on the last 8 weeks on just how resilient you feel you have been. During the […]
Core Competencie Reflection Science Humain #2
This assinment, we where given one side of an argument about the exicution of the 5 chilcoltin people by the canadian goverment and argue about in in a group of three then post the unedited audio recording on one of the group members blogs.
scocials core competencie
Core competencies Aquatic field study
my core competencies reflection o our aquatic field study “
Core Competencies – Science Humain
Science 9 core competencies reflection