PE 10 core competencies

SELF REFLECTION (document wouldn’t add)

How you have created balance in your life while in social distancing?  Have you created healthy opportunities for yourself with sleep, eating, exercise, screen time and creating opportunities to have social connections? Reflect on the last 8 weeks on just how resilient you feel you have been.


During the past 2 months, creating balance with the different parts of our lives has been a struggle, especially with the social aspect. Due to not having the opportunity to get out and spend times with friends or social groups (such as music classes or scouting events) it is harder to keep a good social balance. To help keep the balance, I have been regularly messaging friends and my mom, and I have been regularly spending time with two of our friends.

Exercise has also been a difficult thing to keep up as normally I get most of my exercise during my commute to and from school or during scooting events. Keeping up a certain level of exercise is now a challenge. I have been trying use the days I do not have classes I have been trying to get outdoor in some way. A problem I have been finding is that there is not really a place where I can get out for walks. Most of the trails near me are either too far to walk to or I am not allowed to go on alone due to the lack of and types of people in those areas. Unfortunately, both my parents work during the day and due to their hours are not available to drive me to places where I can really get out. So, I have been trying to spend time at a near by park as much as possible.

One aspect of the social distance is online learning. Online learning is much easier to get distracted so, you have to monitor yourself a lot more. Being able to stay on task Is more difficult, I have found that, personally, I have occasionally had a hard time staying on task but, overall I belive I am doing quite well.

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