Week 17, June 15, 2023 Ceramic plate
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, finding photo documentation of the process.
I continued painting my ceramic plate and put it on the cart to be bisque and after when it was done i put some glaze on it and put it back on cart to he glazed.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest was painting the letters straight because sometimes i paint it to much to the other side.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
Being able to finish the ceramic plate.
4. Goal for next week.
my goal for next week is to make two more ceramic if i could.
Week 16, June 8, 2023 Ceramic plate
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, finding photo documentation of the process.
I continued doing the first plate I have done which was the circle-shaped plate. I started looking for an idea or inspiration for what to and I have decided to put one of my fav album’s logos.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle was trying to write a straight letter.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this was being able to find inspiration for it and starting with the painting.
Week 15, June 1, 2023 Ceramic plate
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
I started with wedging the clay to make it flexible and dry and pop the possible bubbles that are in it. then, I began choosing a shape for my plate.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle was trying to obtain the right shape since it messed up a bit.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this week was being able to finish the second plate for painting.
May 25, 2023 – Paper Mache (Process)
I chose deer because the symbol has similarities to me. During the making of Paper Mache, I struggled with which animal I would use but I stick with deer. When I was trying to obtain the shape of the deer, I had a hard time with which made me think to change the deer I’d like to make into another animal. However, I have decided to ask for mx. Vittie’s help so I can stick with my deer animal mask. I was then able to make it look like a deer and started sticking the newspaper. When I was sticking newspapers I did not have much problem aside from some newspapers that did not stick quite well. Though, I was able to fix some of them. After finishing sticking the newspaper, I started painting the deer. I also had a hard time trying to obtain the right color I wanted for my deer especially when I ran out of paint, obtaining the same color made it a bit difficult but doing it a couple of times made me used to it and it became easy to obtain.
Deer Paper Mache
May 26, 2023
Kate Alipio
Deer is known for its symbol of innocence, love, sensitivity, kindness, determination, energy, grace, and humbleness. The deer teaches me that we don’t have any impact on how individuals respond or what occurs in the world. We only have control over how we respond. Everybody is experiencing a certain thing. If we approach individuals and ourselves kindly we may contribute to altering the world for a better place. The material I used for this project was cardboard, a stapler, paper mache, newspaper, acrylic paints, brush, tape, and foil to make the result of the deer.
Week 14, May 25, 2023 Paper Mache
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
I continued sticking more newspaper on my paper mache and when I was done I let it sit for a couple of minutes and started mixing colours to start painting.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle this week was mixing the paint. I think I had a bit of hard time getting the right colour I wanted and when I ran out of it, it was a bit hard to get the same colour but as I do it, I started to know how.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success is being able to start with painting and being able to finish it.
Week 13, May18, 2023 Paper Mache
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
I have started with sticking newspaper. I have started putting some on the ear down to its nose.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle this week sticking some of the newspaper as some it did not really stick well.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this week is when I started sticking newspaper because I was a bit behind.
Week 12, May 11, 2023 Paper Mache
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
I started putting more cardboard to make the head bigger, other than that I also started adding foil for its bone and putting newspaper.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle this week was stapling the cardboards, it was a bit hard for me to even the shape as well.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success is being able to start with sticking newspaper.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to start putting the newspaper and add texture.
Week 11, May 04, 2023 Paper Mache
Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
I started stapling the cardboard to shape my deer as well as putting tapes on it.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle this week was stapling the cardboards, some of it kept falling and the specific shape I want is also a bit hard to obtain.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success is being able to see my paper mache to somewhat look like a deer.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to start putting the newspaper and add texture.
Week 10, April 27, 2023 Paper Mache
Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
I started with a drawing of deer that i would like to make for the paper mache. when i have chose what I would like to put on my paper mache, I started cutting the cardboard to start building the shape.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle this week was stapling the cardboards, some of it kept falling and the specific shape I want is also a bit hard to obtain.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success is learning how to make paper mache.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to start putting the newspaper and add texture.
Sea Turtle
April 20, 2023
Ceramic and Acrylic
Kate Alipio
Sea turtles are large, air-breathing reptiles that inhabit tropical and subtropical seas throughout the world. They come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors.
one of the threats for sea turtles is building on beaches and other coastal regions that might hinder the turtle’s capacity to nest and feed to survive. plastic and marine debris could potentially be a threat to turtles as well, as they could eat and get caught with it under the water. Some ways to prevent these are by avoiding throwing garbage on beaches, throw in the right bins. as well as preventing building on the beaches that might be a threat to them.
Week 9, April 20, 2023 life below water
Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
I put the turtle in the bisque fire to be bisque. After that, I find a paint that would be good for my turtle.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest was mixing the paint because when I ran of the first pain I mixed, it was hard to get the colour I did previously.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this week is that my turtle was not cracked.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to start with paper mache and finish the turtle
April 20, 2023 – Paper Mache
For this project, I’ve chose for making a deer. Innocence, love, sensitivity, kindness, determination, energy, grace, and humbleness are all represented by deer. The deer, through its symbol, kindness, teaches me to respond with control and kindness when someone criticises me. The deer, as a symbol of sensitivity, encourages me as well to reconnect with my own gentle personality. The deer additionally teaches me that we don’t have any impact over how individuals respond or what occurs in the world. We only have control over how we respond. Everybody is experiencing a certain thing. If we approach individuals and ourselves kindly we may contribute to altering the world for a better place.
Week 8, April 13, 2023 life below water
Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of the process.
Before the end of spring break, I have done making my turtle and left it on my box for the next two weeks. I made a circle out of the newspaper for its body and started making its other parts which are the legs and its head. I also started adding some textures for its body.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle was when the leg of the turtle keeps falling apart and when I connected the other parts, I accidentally touch the ones that are attached and fell which made me do it multiple times.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this week is by being able the turtle. I was able to learn new things such as using newspaper to avoid doing a thick clay for the body.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to bisque fire the turtle and start painting it.
Sully is a top scarer and he is friends with Mike. I chose Sulley because I used to watch monster inc before and I like his character a lot during those times and since the project states that it will be a monster mug I suddenly remembered both Sulley and Mike, his friend. I had troubles with the handle as it can be seen that my mug does not have any of it, I had no choice but to continue doing the project without a handle being attached. Though, it still turns out fine.
Week 5, March 2, 2023 Monster Mug
Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.
We bisqued fired the clay and started painting underglaze in it.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle was when the handle of my mug fell, I had no choice but to break it apart.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this week is by being able to finish the underglaze and being able to learn what wax does which avoids the glaze to be put under the mug. I have also learned more about glazing the object.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to start the life below water project.
Week 4, Feb. 23 2023 Monster Mug
Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.
We started using clay and wedging the clay to make it flexible and dry and pop the possible bubbles that are in it. After that, we roll the clay to flatten the clay and traced a rectangular square and made a mug shape. I also started putting texture in my mug.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
My biggest struggle was when my mug fell, the bottom got uneven.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this week is by being able to finish some textures for my mug.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to finish the texture for my monster mug.
Monster Mug Purpose Feb 21, 2023
The first time I have heard about the monster I have thought of making one of the characters fro monster inc. My plan with this project is to use sulley as a inspiration for my design. I have planned this cute as well instead of making it scary which I hope it turns ur cute.
Sgrafitto Tiles Feb 21, 2023
For the Sgrafitto Tiles I have decided to make a dragon fly on a flower. I think my inspiration of making this is when I saw an image where a dragon fly is sitting on a flower which I have decied to get inspiration. Chelsea, my partner, decided to make a flower, we have thought that we could connect the body of the dragon fly on the flowers stem while the face of the dragon fly is on the other flower which I have deisgned. The process of making this project was exciting as it was my first project and I have also learned a lot with this project such as wedging, underglaze and glaze. I think I have gained a lot of knowledge through this project yet, I know I still have more to learn.
Week 3, Feb. 16 2023 Monster Mug
Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.
We started using clay and wedging the clay to make it flexible and dry and pop the possible bubbles that are in it. After that, we roll the clay to flatten the clay and used a square thing to trace a square clay with the needle. We curved the clay and made the sides to stick with each other.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
I still had some struggles during the wedging of clay since it was kind of hard and tiring.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success this week is by being able to start the second project which is the monster mug. Being able to gain knowledge and new vocabulary words such as underglaze, glaze and overglaze.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal next week is to finish the monster mug and start with my inquiry project which is a tea pot.
Week 1, Feb. 1 2023 Edublog & Scavenger Hunt
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.
We started using clay and wedging the clay to make it flexible and dry and pop the possible bubbles that are in it. After that, we roll the clay to flatten the clay and used a square thing to trace a square clay with the needle. After that, we find a partner to connect what we are going to carve in the title in which I partnered up with Chelsea. We decided to make a flower and a dragonfly connecting to it. After we finished the hard copy of what we are going to carve in the clay, we traced it and carved it.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
I had some struggles during the wedging of clay since it was kind of hard and it was kind of awkward to feel since some of them are getting inside my nails. I also had hard time carving the tile as the table gets shaky at times which affects the lines I carve. also when I traced it with the chalk it was a bit hard to see that traces.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
My biggest success of the week was being able to finish the tile and learning how to make the sgrafitto tile. It was my first time hearing about it, and it was a fun project. I learned new words and new tools such as wedging, the needle we used in the first day of making it as well the glaze that we put on the tile.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal for next week is to start my inquiry project hopefully the same with my life below water and start to learn more about how 3d arts.
Life Below Water:
Turtles: one of the threats for sea turtles is building on beaches and other coastal regions that might hinder the turtle’s capacity to nest and feed to survive. plastic and marine debris could potentially be a threat to turtles as well, as they could eat and get caught with it under the water. Some ways to prevent these are by avoiding throwing garbage on beaches, throw in the right bins. as well as preventing from building on the beaches that might be a threat to them.
Starfish: some of the threats to starfish are pollution and changes in water temperature due to climate change. Avoid throwing garbages into the sea to prevent increasing pollution that could harm species under the water.
Sea Lion: some of the threats to Sea Lions are the marine debris that ges entangled to them. Climate change also affects them as well as habitat loss. Some ways to prevent threats from the sea lions are by doing some research about them and what affects them the most, Reducing the usage of marine debris and look for another way that could prevent them from being entangled or find a place where sea lions are less. Taking off the entangles marine debris from them when you see one as well.
Long-term Inquiry Project
I want to make a ceramic mug and tea pot but I would like to focus on the tea pot more before creating the mug. I want to make this because I have always been interested to buy a tea pot but at the same I don’t want to waste that much money and also it is kind of hard to find a design I like and we don’t really drink tea that much. Therefore, I have decided to make a tea pot for myself as a decoration in our house, if possible I would like to make a tea pot with a cat design. Nonetheless, I feel like I will have a hard time making this as I only know a few things about pottery but I will try hard, ask questions, and watch videos to learn how to make it.
My Sgrafitto Design
Week 1, Feb. 1 2023 Edublog & Scavenger Hunt
- Brief Overview of what you did this week, including photo documentation of process.
We did an edublog page and imported picture to test that it works and we know how it works as well as to learn what will our edublog look like every week.. We also did a scavenger hunt to have an opportunity to talk with other individuals inside the class.
2. Your biggest struggle of the week.
I had some struggles looking for individuals that fits the scavenger hunt sentences and what are the equipments that we will be using for 3D arts.
3. Your biggest success of the week.
my biggest success of the week are knowing how edublogs work and being able to have interactions with my classmates during the scavenger hunt.
4. Goal for next week.
My goal for next is learn how to do 3D arts and learn what will the equipments we will be using and how to use it.