Garibaldi Lake Task

      My Estimate on how much water the Barrier contains behind in the lake is about 3/4 of the water in Garibaldi lake which is about 4,500,000,000 cubic meters since the volume is 6,099,609,059 cubic meters. If the Berrier faulted, what do you think would happen. It would wipe out a lot. The…

DNA Model

In the activity we made a DNA structure out of coloured marshmallows and liquorice. Each colour of the marshmallows represents a different base so green is Adenine, pink is Thymine, yellow is Cytosine, and orange is Guanine. Each base colour gets paired up with another colour so A pairs with T and C pairs with…

Round Table Discussion

From the discussion today I learned that the fascism government is not want I would want for a government. The fascism government believes that it is on the people to change the community. I also learned that the socialism and the communist are very similar. Some of our ideas that my group had come up…

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