1. Q-What was Dave Conroy doing out in the wilderness? (motivation) 

A- Dave Conroy’s motivation for going out to the forest is for trapping to support his family. 

  1. Q-At what point does the reader know the protagonist is in serious trouble and not likely to make it toMacMoran’s cabin? (plot) 

A- The reader knows the protagonist is in serious trouble when Conroy falls into the icy water & fails to dry himself off since he could not get the match lit. 

  1. Q-What three critical mistakes did Conroy make? What are some of the things he could have done to prevent himself from freezing? (plot)  

A- Three critical mistakes Dave Conroy made when he passed the brown mossy tree to make camp there, not waiting until March for when the days were longer and not stopping to dry himself off after falling the cold icy water. Some ways he could’ve prevented or fixed these problems are drying himself off immediately, going back to the brown mossy tree to set up camp & just waiting till March. 

  1. Q-Determine the elements of plot in this story: exposition, complicating incident, 3 crises, climax, and the denouement. S. 

A- The exposition of the story tgachamj9dhe complicating incident is not stopping at the tree to set up camp. Three crises are falling in the ice, not drying himself off & he can’t open the matches. The climax is when he lies down to rest & the denouement of the story is when Dave starts hallucinating & dies 

5.Q-Describe the setting – how does the setting affect the plot and the theme of the story? What is the theme – write a theme statement for this story?  

A- The setting is the cold snowy mountains; it affects the plot of the story because if it wasn’t so cold Dave could have ended up fine & not dying. The theme of the story is patient because sometimes rushing into things could end up costing you everything. 

  1. Q-Find one example of a symbolic setting (a concrete place that represents something abstract) and explain its meaning.

A-One example of a symbolic setting is the cottage since it didn’t exist but to Conroy, it was where he wanted to be in his final moments. 

 7.Q- Quote four images from the story that make effective comparisons (figurative language: simile, metaphor, and personification) 

A- Stiff branchless trees, like a parade of skeletons climbing up the mountainside (p.95)  

 Simile: glanced a moment over his shoulder at the curved beauty of his ski trail on the hill above, curved and smooth and thin, like the tracing of a pen upon the snow.   

Metaphor: The cold was an old man’s fingers feeling craftily through his clothes (p.91)  

Personification: That tree, like a strong lonely woman, called to his weary body to stop. (p.92) 


1. eternal p.92

Everlasting; doesn’t have end or beginning.

2. immobility p.93

The state of not moving nationalist.

3. opaque p.93

Not able to see through.

4. reverberation p.93

Echoing noises/sounds.

5. momentum p.93

The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.

6. cadaverous p.94

Corps being very pale or thin or bony.

7. congregated p.95

Gather into a crowd or mass.

8. inundation p.95


9. beggared p.95

Reduce something (person) poverty.

10. filched. P.96

Steal something valuable.