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Category: English 9

Grammar Video Project – Ampersand,Common and Proper nouns

Written portion

What is the difference between proper and common nouns?

  1. A) There is no difference
  2. B) Proper noun are specific nouns and common nouns aren’t
  3. C) A common noun is nouns are long words and proper nouns are short words.
  4. D) b and c

We are allowed to use ampersands informal text.

  1. A) True
  2. B) False
  3. C) Depends

What is the proper noun used in this sentence? “I wonder if Easter will be early or late this year.”

  1. a) I b) year c) Easter          d) late





  1. B): Explains itself (Proper nouns are specific nouns and common nouns aren’t).
  2. B): Because ampersands are meant to be used for informal sentences or company names.
  3. C): Because Easter is a specific day of a year.

By: Karla and Ellie


Theme Collage For The Friday Everything Changed

Stop Motion-On The Sidewalk Bleeding

The Sea Devil Questions

The Sea Devil Questions

  1. The man fishes by night because he likes the hardship and loneliness of it. He also likes to feel different than while doing his job back in time to feel isolated and elemental.
  2. He tied the knots of the castaway around its wrists. When the man let the baby, porpoise go because a porpoise represents good luck. When the author explicitly said that the man carefully checked the mesh net to make sure there were no rays inside.
  1. The complicating incident: when the man decided he wouldn’t cast his net until he sees two swirls. This choice affects him in the future. A crisis that happened was when the man was holding onto his rope too hard and got yanked into the water by the sea devil. The climax: was when the man’s rope that was tangling him underwater finally broke because some barnacles were sawing the rope. He got free and out of the water away from the sea devil safe.
  2. Civilized: the world is where everyone is living and everything’s modern and developed.Primitive: the world is where it’s only the natural aspects of earth and nature. These are all man-made technologies like the flying plane in the sky or the road being built and surrounded by water.
  1. He doesn’t want a creature in his position. He also learns he’s never going to fish alone at night.
  2.  “A great horned thing shot like a huge bat of the water”- simile
  3. “Behind him, the lights glowed in the cheerful room”- personification
  4. “The night was breathless” A metaphor


Sullen: gloomy or bad temper

Weltering: to roll, toss, or heave as weaves or the sea

Elemental: of nature of an ultimate constitute

Sinewy: a person or animal lean and muscular

Hoisted: raise or haul up

Phosphorescence: light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat

Cordage: cords or ropes, especially in a ship’s rigging

Exhilaration: a feeling of excitement, happiness

Atavistic: relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral

Centrifugal: moving or tending to move away from a center

Gauntly: extremely thin or bony

Impeding: delay or prevent (someone or something)

Tenaciously: with a firm hold of something; closely

Respite: a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant

Equilibrium: a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced

Imminent: about to happen













The Sea Devil Questions

  1. The man fishes by night because he likes the hardship and loneliness of it. He also likes to feel different than while doing his job back in time to feel isolated and elemental.
  2. He tied the knots of the castaway around its wrists.

When the man let the baby, porpoise go because a porpoise represents good luck.

When the author explicitly said that the man carefully checked the mesh net to make sure there were no rays inside.

  1. The complicating incident: when the man decided he wouldn’t cast his net until he sees two swirls. This choice affects him in the future. A crisis that happened was when the man was holding onto his rope to hard and got yanked into the water by the sea devil. The climax: was when the man’s rope that was tangling him underwater finally broke because some barnacles were sawing the rope. He got free and out of the water away from the sea devil safe.
  2. Civilized:world is where everyone is living and everything’s modern and developed.

Primitive: world is where its only the natural aspects of earth and nature.

He makes references to the number of advancements the human society has had. In the beginning. These are all man-made technologies like the flying plane in the sky or the road being built and surrounded by water. The man’s wife who is safe at home in the warming housing.

  1. He doesn’t want a creature in his position. He also learns he’s never going to fish alone at night.
  2. “a great horned thing shot like a huge bat of of the water”- simile

“Behind him, the lights glowed in the cheerful room”- personification

“the night was breathless” A metaphor


Sullen: gloomy or bad temper

Weltering: to roll, toss, or heave as weaves or the sea

Elemental: of nature of an ultimate constitute

Sinewy: person or animal lean and muscular

Hoisted: raise or haul up

Phosphorescence: light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat

Cordage: cords or ropes, especially in a ship’s rigging

Exhilaration: a feeling of excitement, happiness

Atavistic: relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral

Centrifugal: moving or tending to move away from a center

Gauntly: extremely thin or bony

Impeding: delay or prevent (someone or something)

Tenaciously: with a firm hold of something; closely

Respite: a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant

Equilibrium: a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced

Imminent: about to happen














AMJ Figurative Language Illustration

A Mountain Journey Questions

  1. Q-What was Dave Conroy doing out in the wilderness? (motivation) 

A- Dave Conroy’s motivation for going out to the forest is for trapping to support his family. 

  1. Q-At what point does the reader know the protagonist is in serious trouble and not likely to make it toMacMoran’s cabin? (plot) 

A- The reader knows the protagonist is in serious trouble when Conroy falls into the icy water & fails to dry himself off since he could not get the match lit. 

  1. Q-What three critical mistakes did Conroy make? What are some of the things he could have done to prevent himself from freezing? (plot)  

A- Three critical mistakes Dave Conroy made when he passed the brown mossy tree to make camp there, not waiting until March for when the days were longer and not stopping to dry himself off after falling the cold icy water. Some ways he could’ve prevented or fixed these problems are drying himself off immediately, going back to the brown mossy tree to set up camp & just waiting till March. 

  1. Q-Determine the elements of plot in this story: exposition, complicating incident, 3 crises, climax, and the denouement. S. 

A- The exposition of the story tgachamj9dhe complicating incident is not stopping at the tree to set up camp. Three crises are falling in the ice, not drying himself off & he can’t open the matches. The climax is when he lies down to rest & the denouement of the story is when Dave starts hallucinating & dies 

5.Q-Describe the setting – how does the setting affect the plot and the theme of the story? What is the theme – write a theme statement for this story?  

A- The setting is the cold snowy mountains; it affects the plot of the story because if it wasn’t so cold Dave could have ended up fine & not dying. The theme of the story is patient because sometimes rushing into things could end up costing you everything. 

  1. Q-Find one example of a symbolic setting (a concrete place that represents something abstract) and explain its meaning.

A-One example of a symbolic setting is the cottage since it didn’t exist but to Conroy, it was where he wanted to be in his final moments. 

 7.Q- Quote four images from the story that make effective comparisons (figurative language: simile, metaphor, and personification) 

A- Stiff branchless trees, like a parade of skeletons climbing up the mountainside (p.95)  

 Simile: glanced a moment over his shoulder at the curved beauty of his ski trail on the hill above, curved and smooth and thin, like the tracing of a pen upon the snow.   

Metaphor: The cold was an old man’s fingers feeling craftily through his clothes (p.91)  

Personification: That tree, like a strong lonely woman, called to his weary body to stop. (p.92) 


1. eternal p.92

Everlasting; doesn’t have end or beginning.

2. immobility p.93

The state of not moving nationalist.

3. opaque p.93

Not able to see through.

4. reverberation p.93

Echoing noises/sounds.

5. momentum p.93

The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.

6. cadaverous p.94

Corps being very pale or thin or bony.

7. congregated p.95

Gather into a crowd or mass.

8. inundation p.95


9. beggared p.95

Reduce something (person) poverty.

10. filched. P.96

Steal something valuable.

On The Sidewalk Bleeding News Article

on the sidewalk bleeding article


Gender Inequality Article

Gender Inequality Article

This article is about half of the girls in girl guides notice gender inequality between ages 10 and 13. This article involves surveys that the girls did in girl guides. In this article it the survey says that twenty-seven per cent of girls said they’re treated worse than boys in sports or gym class, while 15 percent of boys said they’re treated better. The article also states nearly one quarter of girls (24 per cent) also said they’re treated worse than boys on the internet, including over social media, while 14 percent of boys say they’re treated better online. I chose this article because one of my friends are in girl guides and I also was intrigued about what it said on the title of the article because these are mostly young girls that are getting to learn what gender inequality at a young age. Some girls don’t even talk about the problem with gender inequality until they learn about it more and try to remember if something like that happened to them.The poll that they did was online and it had 1,203 girls and boys in Canada, primarily aged 12-17, between Sept. 5 and 17, 2018. Even if most of the girl talked and shared they’re experiences with gender inequality. They’re still a lot more of girls that don’t want to talk about it or are just not comfortable sharing. If start sharing our experiences and letting other girls know what we’ve been through then maybe they’ll feel more comfortable and sharing what they’ve been through. If we all share our experiences with gender inequality then we can see a change in the world.  

The Friday Everything Changed Questions


 1.The boys are upset because it’s tradition that they always carry the water and not the girls. 

 2. The boys were mad at the girls so they gave the girls threatening notes and the girls teamed up on them.

Elements of Fiction

3. Alma Niles is telling the story. Ms Ralston is more so in the girls side because she took the bat to play with the boys in baseball. The story was told in first person.

4. The setting is in World War II in a schoolhouse and it’s in a cold location and they have a furnace in the class. The setting intensifies the conflict because it’s in school and it’s with students but if it wasn’t in school and it was just a normal person it wouldn’t be the same. The conflict is girl vs. society to gain equal rights because Alma asks why the girls can’t carry the water but the boys can.

5. The protagonist is Alma Niles because she is the one who first asked the question about the water.

6.  Everything changed in that friday because of the one question that Alma asked Ms Ralston and after that the girls started to team up on the boys. Ms Ralston at the end of  the story she swept her desk with all the dust on it which signifies changing the past and making a new future were girls and boys are equal in the school.  The theme that the author is exploring is gender roles should not limit us we see the theme begin when Alma asks why girls can’t carry the water.



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