Archive of ‘Science 10’ category

Rift Eruptions

This is an image of a rift eruption, which is one of three types of volcanoes. A rift eruption is when magma comes out of the cracks in a lithosphere, or in other words escapes from the earth’s asthenosphere and into the outside world. It is not known to be very dangerous, but affects our earth in that a lot of magma spurs out causing damage to whatever is around it.

Biotechnology – Whole Genome Sequencing

Whole genome sequencing is the most effective way of analyzing the human genome or in other words a person’s complete set of DNA, along with its genes. A genome contains a set of instructions on how to build an organism, as well as keeping it alive, developing, and


Nucleotide bases in DNA, which are listed during the process of whole genome sequencing

running. After sequencing it, we should be able to know the exact order of the DNA bases (otherwise known as nucleotides) – A, C, G, and T.


The way researchers determine your sequence, is by first collecting some of your DNA, such as a blood or saliva sample, and then decoding over 3 billion of the nucleotides in a special machine. When we decode the sequence, we get a long string of letters, which are practically written in an unknown language. For example, if we were to pretend that these letters were English words, it would be a long line of words with no punctuation or spelling, making it difficult to understand. Afterwards, when your sequence is developed, it gets compared to a reference sequence to

Image result for machine with whole genome sequencing

The machine used to analyze DNA and determine the sequence of bases

see if there are any particular differences, known as variants. Variants can help determine almost anything about you, such as your height, eye colour, where your relatives are from, what diseases you’re carrying, etc.


This form of biotechnology was first achieved in 2003, which actually isn’t that long ago! It was completed as a part of the Human Genome Project and has made the sequencing much easier and quicker throughout the years. The very first genome sequence, 12 years ago, was at the price of $2.7 billion, but now, with the help of better technology, they can be sequenced for only $10, 000, in just a few days.

But why do we sequence genomes? By getting these large amounts of data of nucleotides in a short amount of time, we are able to determine many things about a person, such as their inherited disorders, mutations, track certain diseases, or even find out how the person responds to some medications. For example, let’s say you have an increase in a

Image result for whole genome sequencing

With the help of whole genome sequencing, we are able to determine whether or not a person has certain diseases, disorders, etc.

certain variant, containing a disease that may evolve in the future. With the help of whole genome sequencing, you can find out about it early on and start doing things to


prevent it or simply start taking medications. So basically, when this form of biotechnology is put into place, we’re finding out everything there is to know about what keeps you running and alive by looking at an exact copy of what is inside your genome.


The biggest advantages to getting whole genome sequencing are not only to know about the disorders, mutations, etc., but you also have the option of donating your DNA to research of genomics, which can really help to make a difference. Although, once you do know about your genome, there may be emotional consequences. These can arise if, for example, there is a disease that is non-preventable that you may be getting sometime in the future; the sequencing might provide information about your health, but it also might not. This can be quite frightening to some people, especially since usually, you never know for sure what you can obtain.

Considering that the very first sequence was completed in 2003, not too long ago, the research needs a lot of work, as it isn’t yet fully developed. Scientists and researchers are still learning about how to use the information they are finding, so the future of this incredible form of biotechnology is still looking bright, there is still much to be discovered.


(Rest of the citations are hyperlinked directly in the article)×380.jpg


Science is Magic – Lycopodium Powder




The lycopodium powder will not light up when placed on a burning flame, but makes a ‘fireball’ effect when blown at over a candle.


After a few classes of looking up different “Science is Magic” videos, we came across a cool experiment called “the fireball” ( We were very curious to see how it would work, so after reading more about the lycopodium powder used for the effect and asking Ms. Mireau if the school had access to it, we decided on trying it out for ourselves.

Using these sites;

we found demonstrations, hazards, and how to dispose of this new powder, then proceeded to make our plan before testing it.

What we used:

  • Lycopodium powder
  • Scoopula
  • Funnel
  • Rubber tube
  • Candle
  • Matches/lighter
  • Bowl
  • Safety goggles


We started by seeing whether or not the powder would light on fire when simply placing a match into a bowl of it. We noticed how a part of the powder turned a dark grey colour, but after the match fell into the lycopodium, it almost instantly burned out. Then, we lit a candle, attached the funnel to our long rubber tube and placed a few scoops of the powder inside. One partner held the funnel next to the candle flame (slightly upwards) and the other blew into the opposite end.


We were shocked to see that our experiment had worked! When the lycopodium was blown onto the flame, it made an astonishing fireball that lasted for a few seconds before disappearing along with the powder. We did a few trials, along with presenting it to the class. At some points the powder missed the flame and flew onto the ground (without making any effects), but the times that it didn’t miss, it made an amazing science is magic trick!

Reaction that occurred/scientific explanation:

When we placed the flame into a bowl of powder, it didn’t light up, but when we blew at it over a candle, it did. Why? Well, this is because the particles of the powder need a lot of oxygen to combust. When placed in a bowl, there isn’t enough surface area nor oxygen to create any effect, so the match just goes out, but when blowing at the powder over a flame, it has enough to make a combustion reaction (C14H11FN4O)

Why the experiment is “magic”:

Before actually taking time to research this reaction, it did seem like magic that some powder could make such a huge ball of fire. If I hadn’t known better or hadn’t gone through Chemistry 9 and 10, I’d definitely think that this was some sort of trick, rather than science with a logical explanation.


We really enjoyed this project and I thought it was an amazing way to end our chemistry unit. I’ve never done anything like this before, but it is definitely one of my favourite assignments so far!

Scientific Method Bubble Gum Lab (conclusion)

  1. How does gum stretchability relate to bubble size?

It doesn’t because even though Gum A formed a bigger bubble (for both groups), it was, in our experience, about 10 times shorter, when stretched, than Gum B.

2. 5 variables that may affect outcome;

  • Amount of each gum (A and B)
  • Amount of air/how quickly you blow into bubble
  • Number of chews
  • Time which each piece of gum layer out before chewing
  • Loss of substance (gum B stuck to the outside of mouth during procedure)
  • Mouth structure (if partner 1 chewed A and partner 2 chewed B)

3. Explain how the data you collected can be both qualitative and quantitative;

Two ways I could explain my results after stretching each piece of gum would be; B was stretchier and longer than A (qualitative), or B was longer than A by about 270cm (quantitative).

4. Were SI units used in this lab?

5. Yes, we used centimetres to measure the length/diameter of the gum throughout the lab.
