Pre Calculus 12 – Desmos Project – Reflection

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Self Assessment:

Mark  EDUBLOG POST: Process (5 marks)  Score 
5  I clearly described my process, strategies and how I resolved any difficulties I encountered. I correctly Tagged and Categorized my post. I inserted a picture of my desmos post card and the original picture.    5
1  My explanation lacks detail and/or I have not described my problem-solving process. The link, desmos picture and/or original picture are missing.   
0  I did not complete the Edublog post.   
  Folders (5 marks)   
5  My folders are labelled with parts/objects/letters, and I correctly identified EVERY type of function and relation used.   5
2  My folders are labelled with body parts and types of functions used. Some functions are not identified or incorrectly identified.    
0  I did not use folders.   
  Image (10 marks)   
10  My drawing resembles the photo I chose   10
5  My drawing is starting to look like the photo chosen   
1  My drawing is missing or incomplete   
  Aesthetics (10 marks)   
10  Color and shading were used to strategically replicate the picture.    10
5  A little shading was used.    
1  No thought was put into the use of color or shading   
  Functions & Relations (10 marks)   
10  I used all 10 types of functions/Relations required. Absolute Value, Polynomial, Rational, Radical, Trigonometric, Exponential and Logarithmic, Sideways Parabolas, Semicircles, Ellipses.   10
x  I used only x of the required types   
  Function notation (30 marks)        
30  I made excellent use of function notation to transform the same function repeatedly     30
10  I used function notation a few times to transform the same function repeatedly.   
0  I wrote new equations every single time and did not use function notation.   
  Creativity and Complexity of Functions & Relations (30 marks)    
30  My equations show complexity and creativity. I used multiple transformations. (Stretches, Reflections, Translations, Inverses). I made excellent use of domain and/or range restrictions. I combined functions from different units.    30
15  I used mostly the same type of functions, with some transformations. My functions sometimes overlap because I could not figure out the correct domain and/or range.    
10  My equations lack complexity and creativity.   
  Total mark: (100)    100

Link to my Desmos Project


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