Data Visualization Project

For my Data Visualization project, I decided to research the percentage of Canadians who speak each official language. To represent this data, I decided to create three different maps representing the language in majority and the comparisons between each province and territory. Where blue represents English, red represents French, and purple represents the bilingual population because purple is the result of red and blue colour mixing.  I chose to present my data in this way because I originally thought I would use one map and demonstrate the individual percentages per province, but I was unable to find the correct technology or format to clearly represent this idea. So, instead I separated the data into three different maps. Below all three maps, I placed total percentages of each language population for the entirety of the country using the corresponding colours for each percentage.

Finally, to insure that each aspect of my data was well understood, I placed the individual data for each province and territory. I demonstrated this by using the shape of a person to represent the population and I placed the flag of each province and territory within the icon to attach an identity to each set of data. The very last section of data is the same data but represented in another, final format to show the comparison between each format.

I chose this topic because I find that languages can be quite intriguing and as a bilingual student myself, I was curious to see how much of Canada could also speak both official languages of our country. After researching the subject, the data that I found was not surprising from what I expected. However, I found it quite difficult to find the data I was searching for. In the end, I am fairly happy with how I was able to present my data regardless of the challenges I may have faced.

Raw Data :

Canadian Heritage. “Statistics on Official Languages in Canada –”, 2016, Accessed 6 Feb. 2021.

Data Visualization :

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