4 thoughts on “Climate Change and Info Fluency

  1. Great job examining how we can change the culture in our families to mitigate our effects on climate change. I really like how you set the stage with your first paragraph reminding us just how influential our families are. I am wondering if you thought of a solution that is specific to how families interact such as how the family dynamic plays into limiting waste and conserving water and energy. How can family members be successful in encouraging a cultural change in their families?

    1. For sure I found some information on this topic. Families differ from other groups of people because of the combined waste that they produce. Due to the fact that families usually consist of 3 or more people, the effects they make as a whole increase. However, the higher number of people can also be seen as a positive. Families can find strength in their numbers, meaning more positive changes can be made. Families can work together to make this process of conserving energy, water, and limiting waste much easier and effective. In a household, all the waste is combined to the family living there; if that family can minimize their effects, not only is one person making a change, but multiple people are with just a few simple steps. If every parent raises their children with environmentally safe habits, the future generations will learn to be better.

  2. Thanks for your response. Do you think you parents need an incentive to guide their families in this way? Is it a matter of educating parents? What stops families from being active in conservation and how can we overcome that?

    1. I do strongly believe that it is up to the parents to guide their families in the proper direction. In order to do so, it is a necessity that parents are well educated on this subject. Lately, the climate change problem has taken the social media world by storm, spreading the word on how and why to stop this and how to be better. Today, it is easy for families and just people in general to ignore the consequences of wasting because we may not always see the affects. Just because it may not directly affect us does not mean that we should not be concerned about this global problem. From now on, I think it is very important that we assure we are sufficiently educated around this problem and know what actions to take to further prevent it.

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