About Me

Hey there! Welcome to my blog! Here you can find a bit of information about me to get to know me a little better.

Favourite Quote:

“A champion is defined not by their wins, but by how they can recover when they fall.” ~ Serena Williams

This quote is one I like to live by because it has helped me through various struggles in both my sports and other difficulties throughout my life. I have been playing competitive sports for as long as I can remember and having this quote in mind has always been a great way to help me persevere.

Favourite Photo:

Below, is a photo of my mother, taken during the 10 000m race at the 2000 Summer Olympic Games. This photo is very important to me because my mother is one of my biggest role models, someone I aspire to be like. She has always taught me to try my hardest and to never give up no matter what the circumstances. Through this photo my mother proved that if you want something enough, and you work for it, you can achieve your goals. 

Favourite Video:

This video is very important to me because soccer has been a huge part of my life for nearly 10 years. With all her accomplishments over the years, Christine Sinclair is a major role model for me. She now holds the record for most international goals scored by any major league soccer player. She represents all young women and players around the world by showing them what opportunities we can create for ourselves through hard work and dedication.

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