First Article: Fake social media accounts
This article made me realize how much can happen in social media. Especially since social media has become such a big part in this generation it can really affect us. It affects us because as someone who uses social media, I know that there could easily be someone like “James Galan” and the few others mentioned in the article that I could come across and I need to be aware of it. These people mentioned in the article basically have made fake profiles to comment on issues of the day and the scary thing is that we have no clue who the actually person is that’s behind this account. Majority of the people who come across these accounts are usually not aware and thinking about “oh I better check if this is a real profile.” When we look at an active profile with relevant comments, profile pictures, real friends we assume that this is a real person and that is they’re account they have made. There was even an account with the name “Tim Mather” that used a random persons photo as their own profile picture. This makes me realize that something like this could happen to anyone including myself. Whether it involves politics or government issues there could still be someone hidden behind a fake profile that we don’t think about. Now I know that I should really take things like this into account and try to be more observant in things like this.
Second Article: Fake “missing” people posts
This article talks about fake posts this time. In Manchester there was terrorist attack and people were making fake posts saying something like “Help me fine my daughter, son, sister etc. because they were in Manchester and hasn’t reached out to me” and attached in the post would be a picture. This is such a TERRIBLE thing to do when you think about how there are people that are in these situations for REAL and that others are deciding to make fake posts for attention and “retweets”. For example the post by @GamerGateAntifa regarding a missing son who was in Manchester with an attached image of him. When people see this I guess they panic and think they should probably somehow help this poor person who can’t find their son. So people retweet and spread the news hoping that someone will know where this person is. This post did not have a name or anything other then the picture and in a video shown in the article THAT specific picture showed up on the news of missing people in Manchester. Now that kid in the picture is probably perfectly fine and completely irrelevant but somehow his picture is everywhere! Again, this affects me because social media is such a big part in this generation and I need to make sure I’m aware of things like this and don’t get easily fooled because it could lead to a lot of problems.