The Careers and Conversation morning yesterday was a great experience. I got to talk to 6 different presenters (Sara Bynoe, Jessica Anderson, Vadim Egorov, Lindsay Jackson, Jessica Callegaro and Ken Britton) and I really liked that all their jobs were so different and not common jobs that I hear about all the time. One of the presenters that really inspired me was Jessica Anderson. Jessica is an Entrepreneur and I really enjoyed listening to her perspective of her career. She mentioned that her favorite part of her job is the variety: she’s a sale rep for a health care company, she’s taught yoga & spin classes and she’s also done makeup on people for special events. She also told us that it’s important to pursue a career that you can advance in. This inspired me because I realized that in your career you aren’t necessarily going to be doing the exact same thing day-to-day and there can be variety. I was also thankful for her advice in finding a job you can advance in because then I can remember this in the future and use it to help me determine what I want to do. I didn’t hear about any careers that I would want to consider but it sort of helped me determine if I would want to do something similar or not, or something in the same area. I think that this Careers and Conversations morning was a very valuable experience because it gave me a really good idea on different professions. It also made me realize that there so many different jobs in the workforce and that I could end up pursuing a career that doesn’t even exist right now. I found it very interesting to listen to perspectives on the jobs coming from people that are actually in that profession. I think that this would be a good experience to do again in the future for other classes.