Novel Inquiry Project

Guiding Question: How does one childhood effect their identity?



Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O’Neill (novel)

Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese (novel)

My Friend Joe (author unknown) (poem)

The Blind Side directed John Lee Hancock (film)

Core Competencies Reflection:

I had a lot of fun putting together this project. I got to revisit a lot of good novels and movies to obtain my research I also incorporated my love for video and film-making by making my final product a video. Throughout the whole novel study unit I used the Communication Competency quite a lot. I needed to be able to reflect and discuss the novel with my lit circle and tell things from my perspective. I used the Creative Thinking Competency when thinking and putting together y project. I wanted to do something a little more unique than just presenting in front of the class, so I found a way to show my research through a video. The other competency I used quite a bit throughout this process was the Critical Thinking Competency, I needed it to complete my research. It helped me solve problems that I came across and be more precise in what I wanted to say. Overall the Core Competencies will come in handy with anything I may do, and this project really helped prove that.




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