Week 5 / The Difference of Squares; Factoring

Difference of Squares / Factoring

To understand how to factor Difference of Squares you must first know what Difference of Squares means. Difference means in math “subraction.” Squares means two numbers will square into another number. Example ({3}^2 {3 x 3} makes 9)

Forthgoing, figuring out if something is a Difference of squares or not, here two examples.

Easy equations

First when factoring you must find what is common, I found that {5x}^2 is something i can pull out of the equation and then your left with {5x}^2 (3x-1). To figure out if its aDifference of squares you check if it is squared and has a negitive sign; so yes it is a difference of squares.

The second equation is much more different than the first equation, its a trinomial, but that doesnt make a huge differenence when it comes to factoring the equation. Since both equations are easy equations, just checking what is common is all we need to do. In the equation 4 is the only number that is common, and your left with 4({2p}^3{1p}^2 -1). Since that is all you can do now you must find out if its a difference of squares or not. You atuomatically know becuase the 2p is cubed. So it is not a difference of squares.