Week four blog post

Simple equations solving for X (with radicals)

1st step- Always the first step to solving with radicals is to find restrictions. Restrictions are a way to check that your answer is right by looking at the restrictions. When the equation that only has a radical and a coefficient infront, the same restriction applies. (x \geq 0)

2nd step- If there is a coefficient infront of the radical, do the opposite and divide the seven out from the radical. But watch out what you do to one side you must do it to the other; when you divided the seven, you have to divide the seven by the fourty two.

3rd step- Now that you are left with 6 = \sqrt{2x} to get rid of a square root symbole, your going to have to do the oppostite of square rooting, powering! You have to power the square root symbol, but what you have to do to one side, you have to do to the other. That means 6 turns into 36 becuase 6 times 6 is thrity six, well \sqrt{2x} becomes just 2x.

4rth step- Now that your just left with 36 = 2x, to seperate the 2 from the x you must to the oppostite and divide both the 2x and the 36 by the number attached to the x, in turn leaving the x by itself. So x = 18.

Finally- Your not done yet! Just becuase you have the asnwer doesnt mean your finished, you still have to check to see if you answer mathces your restrictions, if it doesnt its wrong. x \geq 0 does match x=18. That mean you got the right answer.