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Image result for langston hughes    Image result for countee cullen


Within this synthesis essay, I feel as though I did very good in articulating my thoughts and phrasing my sentences clearly for the most part, and was satisfied with the overall essay. I was also very proud of how I provided lots of background information for each author and covered their background’s thoroughly to contribute to the essay’s accuracy in comparing and contrasting Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen. Some things I feel I could improve on for the next synthesis essay is correcting my work cited and knowing the difference between a works cited page and a bibliography. I struggled with putting my citations in the correct area and confused the editors of the articles with the authors. I also believe I could improve on the lengths of my paragraphs, and cutting down information to be more concise. I will try to provide less “dead wood” wording and more important areas of the ideas I am trying to explain/ express through my writing.


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