From my experiences and my memories, i have always remembered my self esteem and the pressure to always look good, as being a very important aspect to being alive in this generation. But why does our appearance matter so much to the extent of going into a state of depression? The simple answer would be social media. The media has taught us and raised us to believe we have to be a perfect human who has flawless skin, plump lips, and big eyes. The biggest problem that comes along with social media is the pressure. Not only does social media promote how perfect your appearance should be, it also promotes drug usage and underage drinking. This eventually gets passed on by friends. In result, this pressure forced on anyone can lead to bad consequences that will make them regret what they did in the future.

Not all situations necessarily need to start like the one above to have a bad outcome, for example, maybe a girl/guy is going through a rough time in their life, and they think their last resort is to do drugs or drink alcohol because it makes them feel better, but in reality it is creating an artificial happiness which gets the girl/guy addicted to whatever they’ve decided to take. However, some people who decide to do drugs or drink underage are sometimes smart. I was once told  that if i were ever to take anything underage, i should be smart about my decisions under the influence, for example, if someone goes to a party and sees drinking involved, they will either feel left out if they don’t try it, or they will regret doing it, so the in between answer for me, would be taking a little bit of the substance but not a enough to cause damage. In conclusion, I believe taking substances underage is not the best idea, but if someone is being pressured into it, he/she should be aware of the consequences and should be smart about their own decisions moving forward.

Peer Pressure
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One thought on “Peer Pressure

  • April 17, 2017 at 11:13 pm

    Julia – thoughtful entry. insightful and reflective.


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