Gilead Theme Park – The Handmaid’s Tale

Our theme park is based on Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. This literature circle final project required diligence, creative problem-solving, and strenuous risks; however, the efforts of my group were not in vain, because our theme park brochure, PowerPoint, and overall presentation are cohesive, descriptive, and imaginative. For my role, I designed and drew theme park rides that alluded to the powerful and preeminent aspects of the novel: Offred’s past in the Commander’s house, Moira’s past in the Rachel and Leah Centre, and Offred’s thoughts throughout the novel. For each instance, I wrote an in-depth description of my thinking, which has quotations from the novel intertwined with my own writing. I also designed, formatted, and polished the brochure. In the end, this final project helped me gain insight into the novel, because I truly had to immerse myself in the realm of Gilead to derive innovative ride ideas that would convert the main themes of this novel (oppression, empowerment, and vulnerability) into enjoyable rides for passengers. I spent hours upon hours re-reading the novel and searching for aspects of the novel that could be converted into a theme park ride, appropriately, and remain informative (of the predominant themes and lessons in the novel). I have included my in-depth descriptions in a word document, which can be found underneath my literature circle group’s brochure and PowerPoint presentation. Ultimately, I thoroughly enjoyed this assignment, as I was able to pursue my creative whims and devise an insightful and authentic theme park. I am also thankful for the opportunity to do justice for Atwood’s piece of literary artwork.

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