Digital Footprint

My  Digital  Footprint

I learned that my digital footprint may not affect me now, but may affect my opportunity’s in the future.  If I am aware of my digital footprint and choose what I post wisely, it could potentially help me in the future. On the other hand, if I post recklessly and make bad choices with social media, it could jeopardize my future, and my chances of getting a job.

A few tips to keep your digital footprint appropriate below.

  1. If you’re posting something, think about if your Mom or Dad would approve of it.
  2. If it seems a bit inappropriate to you, don’t post it, even if you want to seem cool.
  3. Think about what your boss would think of you if they went to your old social media profiles.

I learned some pretty good information on how to be aware of my digital footprint and keeping it appropriate. If I had to go about passing this information to other students, I would simply tell them to read my blog.






One thought on “Digital Footprint

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Includes appropriate photos or media as instructed, just make sure you source the photos you use!
    – Post is completed

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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